"You gotta just go out there and live it…" and live it is what he's done.
Traveling the beat path of the old blues traverse through Memphis, Mississippi and Louisiana, touring with the old school rockabilly cats across Europe or sweating and fighting his way through the rock'n'roll underground dives in Asia and Australia. An arms length list of touring street credentials that you've heard of but won't mention, never one to take the easy way out Made J. has taken over 15yrs on the road on his own to produce a jaw dropping, dick swinging live show and a new sound that can only be described as the Stooges, the Sonics and Reverend Horton heat in a drunken fist fight with the devil himself.

With the greasy fiends (Morgan Seddik on bass, Giacomo Panarisi on drums) having his back on rhythm duties and as a constant reminder to the testament that he will never grow up or get a real job, they throw everything they have into every show, warts and all, as if it was their last. When asked what animal would best describe him on stage he shot back instantly "gorilla!". He has been seen at night roaming from bar to bar on the hunt for Jack Daniels…the actual man and some say if you collect the sweat he omits on stage during a show you could get a monkey drunk.

Part Balinese, part English, part miscreant, partly responsible and 100 percent dedicated to seeing this whole mess to the end and never taking maybe for an answer. Based in Brussels for their famous waffles, though never actually ever eaten one, he thrives with the underground rock'n'roll scene that pulls no punches and where respect is earned the hard way and never bought.

'Das Rumble' his first prominent release from Mottowsoundz was a well received album in many circles with mainstream radio play but the new album 'Beat & Broke Ain't Broken' is set to get every dogs tail wagging. So dirty and sexy it would make Prince blush and riffs so rockin' even Lemmy would need a lie down. So do yourself a favour and if you hear thunder coming to your town, grab a ticket and a couple days off because it's a guaranteed hang over...

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