Lovespirals emerged in 1999 as a cooperative project between Ryan Lum (guitars, bass), the leading creative force behind Love Spirals Downwards, and singer/songwriter Anji Bee, also in charge of the percussion and programming sections.
Lovespirals appeared as a follow-up venture of Lum after parting ways with vocalist Suzanne Perry, Love Spirals Downwards' former vocalist. The duo's mission pursued a continuation of Lum's first enterprise, concentrating on creating a set of compositions profiled on soft rock and dream pop grounds, inspired by sounds embracing world music, soul, jazz, and electronica. Lovespirals first started its operations by recording a series of themes later appearing on various compilation discs. In 2001, the duo offered its debut recording, the EP Ecstatic. One year later, and counting on with the works of Don Orenstein (saxophone), the group recorded Windblown Kiss, their debut album, issued in June 2002 by the Projekt Records label. ~ Mario Mesquita Borges

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