Bio taken from the Love Anchor Artists.
MTV page: ( Love Anchor is the primary musical outlet for 26 year-old Alexander Frost, a Norwegian-born multi-medium artist and model working in the fields of filmmaking, photography, graphic design, poetry, prose, and oil painting...just to name a few. A child prodigy and life-long 'jack-of-all-trades', Frost began his journey in music before his third birthday. As of today, with nearly 24 years of experience under his belt, it would be quite the misnomer to employ the term 'multi-instrumentalist' when referring to this self-taught singer, songwriter, and studio engineer. 'Goodnight, Lover', the soon-to-be first major release from the Love Anchor project, provides startling evidence: Frost, who has been working on the album since the Autumn of 2005, serves as the only contributor, providing all vocal and instrumental performances. This 'magnum-opus' nearly seven years in the making finds Frost incorporating no less than 50 different instruments into his painstakingly composed orchestrations, all of which he recorded in his home studio. 'The only thing I didn't do was master it,' Frost says. 'Abbey Road agreed to provide that service, so of course I had to take the offer. So many of my favorite groups have worked there- Radiohead, Pink Floyd, The Beatles- and it's truly an honor just to be associated with them.' How and why did it take so long to create? Frost admits that the process, both arduous and demanding, 'drove [him] crazy.' 'I didn't lock myself away for all of that time to focus entirely on making a record. I work in a number of fields as far as the arts are concerned, and I did a lot of things during that time. I went to college, I put out a volume of poetry, I traveled, and I even spent some time in graduate school; and I tried to blend in with the whole collegiate 'indie rock' scene, playing dives and house shows, distributing homemade releases on CD-R. I fooled around with an independent label and a terrible producer. I regret it, musically speaking, but I suppose it was important in my development. I was upset when all of the drunk indie kids didn't pay attention to my songs. It was hurtful to have to stop and ask people to quiet down a bit, but I was accompanying myself on either guitar or piano; that made it hard to simply 'play over them.' I even took a break for a while, at least from writing and performing. It was after coming back to the Love Anchor project that I realized I had something special, something original and unique, something no one else had. I quit graduate school and went for it, basically. I went hard, no looking back and no regrets.' The rest, as they say, is history. Love Anchor, currently ranked as the one of the top seven acts in its native Norway, and one of the top 70 jazz-based acts on the planet, has a veritable melting pot for a fan-base- a rather large one at that, made up of listeners of all ages in more than 80 countries. If the growing popularity of Love Anchor in the last year is any sign, great things should be expected from Alexander Frost. 'Goodnight, Lover' is scheduled for distribution worldwide via Interscope in October.