New York Times: Yet from the haze she creates, graceful,Ms Tang’s textures are transparent enough that even when several levels of thechase seem to be happening at once….
fluidly contrapuntal piece

New York Times, April 5,2009

Tang Lok-yin is an active composer in worldwide, with abrilliant track record of awards to her credit including the ACL Yoshiro IrinoMemorial Prize by the Asian Composers' League (Japan, 2007); the first prize atthe Asian Pacific Festival of the Asian Composers' League Conference (NewZealand 2007); Young Composer Award at the International Competition forChinese Orchestral Composition (Singapore, 2006); Outstanding Award at the"Palatino" Piano Composition (China, 2007).

Tang's works achieve mastery in both Chinese and Westernmusic, covering instrumental music, dance and operatic music. Her orchestraland chamber works have been frequently performed all over the world since 2002including Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Luxembourg, New Zealand,Japan, Singapore, China and Macao where she won critical acclaim. In 2009, Tangwas commissioned by American’s renounced ensemble “Bang on a Can All Stars” fortheir PCF Concert in April. She has also awarded and commissioned by “Dr.Helmut Sohmen composition prize” for a symphony orchestral work commemoratingthe 200th anniversary of the death of Joseph Haydn. Her new work“Movements-homage to Joseph Haydn” was performed in Vienna, November2009 and receives its Asian premiered by the Hong Kong Academy for performingArts orchestra in Hong Kong, February 2010.

Tang's Chinese music works is well received among many ofworld’s leading Chinese orchestra such as the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra,Singapore Chinese Orchestra and Macao Chinese Orchestra. Her recent commission works included “A day in the village” for Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, “DragonLantern" for nine suonas and Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, “Chao” for Suonaand Singapore Chinese Orchestra, “Volcanicity” for sheng and Singapore ChineseOrchestra and “Dragon Lantern II” for Singapore Chinese Orchestra. Her twopieces “Falling up” for suona and string quartet and “Suona Septet” werecommissioned by Klara Festival 2009 in Brussels.

Tang's recent commissioned works include the ChineseOrchestral work “The Great Evacuation” 2013, Saxophone and Orchestra of Laptopspiece “Neutron Star” 2013, The Symphonic Band work “Nebula” 2013, “TheSunflower” 2013 for Yu Kwang-chung’s Poetry in Music, the chamber work “Sixty”2012 for the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Chung Chi College of theChinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Dance Company and Hong Kong ChineseOrchestra co-production “Evacuation Order for dancetheatre” 2012, Hong Kong Arts Festival commissioned Opera “Tree Rhapsody” 2011,New Vision Arts Festival "MrVampire" 2010, rerun 2011 and by Hong Kong Sinfonietta commission piece“Visage” 2011. etc

Tang received her Bachelor degree in Composition at theHong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and acquired her Master and Doctor degreein Composition at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Tang won numerousscholarships and participated in worldwide international music camps andfestivals and was the recipient of Fulbright Scholarship, chosen as a visitingscholar of the Columbia University in New York City. Apart from writing music,she also engages in arrangement, performance, educational undertaking and radioboard casting. Since 2012, She hashosted the program “Music from China” and “Hong Kong’s modern sound” inRTHK 4.

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