Our Debut album 'Dream Stream is now on Bandcamp 27th July 2018 We finally got there with the debut ...
: ) Here's the link

Songwriter/Sings … Can dance if persuaded.

Lizzy Annie Carter is the other half of City of Rivers Music.

She began by writing her first song "Blow Away The Blue" in late Summer 2007. She's a late starter! Some folk are you know, well ... how can I put this .... Lizzy's probably what we'd call a late, late starter! Yeah, though I heard her say once 'It's better to start late, than to never ever start at all' and that she's been too busy up until now to get started musically, ... but here she is with a few of her songs.

She always says too 'Honesty is always the best policy' and that 'A bird in the hand is worth at least three in a song' Yeah I know, kind of odd that bird quote, but I think that's what she said, though I could be wrong. she might have said 'A bird in the hand is no better than one single bird or bush in any one single song'

Some of her influences are Motown, Doris Day, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Bob Dylan, Judy Garland, John Lennon, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Annie Lennox.

City of Rivers debut 5 track EP "Blue Away" was released in February 2012 and is bluesing somewhere around the sphere. They are working on their debut album.

She's married to Den and lives in Cheltenham with their 2 teenage daughters.

Sends, love and best wishes to all.

As City of Rivers are mostly studio based artists they are open to covers of their songs. Email

PS ... Can't access their original "Big blue beach,lemon/yellow writing original Myspace" (you'll know the one!) so they can't connect back from there. They've set up a New City Of Rivers Myspace here and it's profile pic at the moment is "The Mars landing City Of Rivers part of history photo" though this could change daily, weekly or sometimes not at all ; ))

PPS. Wrote a Christmas song in 2009 called "Mistletoe Magic" and has just put the demo on here and TwitMusic for you to listen to.

Happy New Year Again … Keep filling it with lots and lots of your dreams, and you'll find one or two could really come true.

Keep dreaming and wishing.

Oh and loving too.

Cause, Love never fails.

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