La Menade is an alternative metal band.
A sonorous wall of sound in which sharp, piercing guitars stand out from the dark background created by the keyboards: everything is marked by an overwhelming rhythmic section and by raw poetic lyrics.
La Menade was founded in Rome in October 2000 by the meeting of Tatiana (guitarist) and Tanya (keyboardist). After the initial adjustment period, in 2003 the group found its balance with four elements, when Tatiana assumed the role of singer in addition to her current role of guitarist. It was at this point that the sound of La Menade gained awareness and vigor, elements that are evident in their first EP "Conflitti eSogni", produced in 2005 by Red House Recordings (under David Lenci's artistic guidance), under the Load Up Records label. The album, containing five unedited tracks and published together with a DVD of the single "Strane Idee"'s video, was quickly well-received by the public and the press, and put the band into an intense live activity throughout the nation. In 2005, the track "Wheeling" appeared in the soundtrack of the film "Tre metri sopra il cielo". After having participated in national shows (such as the i-Tim Tour, Rock Targato Italia, and M.E.I.), television programs (such as "Help" by Red Ronnie) and radio shows, the Tg of Roma Uno also dedicated a set to the band. The "Strane Idee" video was broadcasted by many satellite TV shows (Rock Tv, Match Music, Music Box Italia, Countdown, Music 4 Fun, Music Nation Tv), but also by All Music (during the broadcast "I love Rock 'n' Roll"). In 2006, they began their collaboration with the booking agency GetRocked, which organized a 7-day tour in northern Italy, in which they supported McQueen, an English rock band acclaimed by the specialized press, that also increased their own visibility. In the same year, La Menade was one of the winning groups of a national contest held by Freequency magazine to play on the Roma Rock Festival stage at Capannelle's Hippodrome (Rome), where they played on July12. The production of the video "Maledetta Me", made way for the first full-length album from the band, "Male di Luna", self-produced and distributed, like their previous album, by Venus. "Male di Luna" had 15 unedited tracks and a ghost track. The wonderful album reviews underlined the project's originality, and the versatility of the four musicians. The band's music was presented as an unexpected mix between the metal, dark, progressive and electronic genres, which created the framework for a huge impact at live shows. The track "Danza nel buio" was featured on the soundtrack for the film "Ho voglia di te". In March 2007, La Menade opened for the Linea77 concert at Rolling Stone stage, in Milan. With the waves of positive feedback from the new album's publication, the band was invited by Alice Cooper's manager to open for a concert of artists that would have been in July in Florence: this date, however, didn't happen because of organisational problems. Meanwhile, RaiUno broadcasted a special dedicated to the band in their tv show "Music@ 2007". In 2009, Lucia and Cristina left the band. After a period of time dedicated to the search for two new musicians, in 2010 Chiara (bassist) was announced as the new band member. The band's formation achieves its goal in 2012, with the addition of Laura on drums. In February 2013, La Menade presented their new single "Nero Caos"(Black Chaos), resuming their live activity that would also see the support of the historic British band, Girlschool, during their unique concert in Rome for their 35th Anniversary tour.
In July of the same year, La Menade took second place at the national contest held by the Sonica Festival, earning the right to participate in M.E.I. 2.0 at Faenza.
La Menade have just finished their new album, recorded and mixed by Luciano Chessa at the Moon Voice Recording Studio (L'Aquila/Italy), mastered by Riccardo Pasini at Studio73 (Ravenna/Italy) and whose publication should be within the next few months, preceded by the showing of the "Nero Caos" video clip.
La Menade è una alternative metal band.
Un muro sonoro in cui chitarre serrate e taglienti si stagliano nella cupa cornice dipinta dalle tastiere: il tutto scandito da una sezione ritmica travolgente e dalla cruda poesia dei testi.
La Menade nasce a Roma nel 2000 dall'incontro di Tatiana e Tanya con le sorelle Lucia e Cristina. Otto anni di musica vissuti intensamente e segnati da numerosissimi live in tutta Italia. La band pubblica due album: un Ep, “Conflitti eSogni”, nel 2005 (Load Up Records) ed il primo full lenght, “Male di Luna”, nel 2007, orgogliosamente autoprodotto. Realizza due video, "Strane Idee" e "Maledetta Me!", trasmessi da molte emittenti satellitari e non (All Music, Rock Tv, MusicNation Tv, Countdown, Magic Tv Italia, etc), partecipa a note trasmissioni televisive (da "Help" di Red Ronnie a Music@2007 su Rai1) e gode di interviste e passaggi radiofonici su innumerevoli emittenti nazionali e locali (da RaiRadio1 a RadioRock). La stampa accoglie con grande favore e plauso entrambi i lavori della band, sottolineandone l’originalità compositiva e la forte poesia che promana dai testi, rigorosamente cantati in italiano. La musica è un inaspettato mix tra metal, dark, progressive ed elettronica, a cui fa da cornice una presa live di grande impatto. Dopo la pubblicazione di "Male di Luna" ed il tour promozionale che ne segue (che le vede anche di supporto alla band britannica McQueen nel nord Italia ed ai Linea77 al Rolling Stone di Milano), Lucia e Cristina lasciano il gruppo. Dopo due anni di pausa, nel 2009, La Menade torna in attività, ma è soltanto nell’estate del 2012 che la line-up si completa ritrovando tutta la sua forza con Chiara al basso (già dal 2009) e con l'ingresso nella band di una nuova e determinata batterista, Laura. Nel febbraio 2013 La Menade presenta il singolo NERO CAOS, riprendendo l'attività live che la vedrà anche da supporto alla storica band britannica, Girlschool, nella loro data romana. Nel luglio dello stesso anno, grazie al secondo posto guadagnato nel contest indetto dal Sonica Festival, partecipa al M.E.I. 2.0. a Faenza. La band ha appena ultimato il nuovo album, registrato e mixato al Moon Voice Recording Studio (AQ), masterizzato allo Studio73 da Riccardo Pasini (RA) e la cui pubblicazione sarà anticipata dalla presentazione del videoclip di "Nero Caos".