Rap/Hip-hop Artist/Song writer/Author/Poet/Actress/Entertainer
“Though Life is Dim I Keep Shinning”

“I Need’s My Cut”




Rap/ Hip-hop Artist/SongWriter/ Author/ Poet/ Entertainer/Actress “Lady Capone” also known as “LC” and “Tha1TheyLuv2Hate” was formerly known as “Déjà' vu”. She was born, AsiaHarris on Chicago’s South side July 20th. As the only child, raised,by a single mother Connie Thorps, who the artist’s states, is her number 1 fan.Lady Capone has always, acquired the love for music. Her favorite rappersinclude Mc Lyte, and the late Tupac Shakur. She started writing poetry, as well as shortstories at the mere age of 10. By the age of 12 she was writing rap lyrics. Shehas also written articles and poetry for Malcolm X Xpress newspaper, poetry for funerals and wedding programs. Inthe summer 2014 she shot her first two videos, ”Boss Up” and “I B N It.” Shealso interned for radio personality Herb Kent on V103, 2014. She was told by artist such as Twista, “Keeppushing, never give up”.

She continues chasing her dreams as an artistspeaking from the heart, through her lyrics. She is the voice of the unheard,and the misunderstood. She has also auditioned for Flavor of Love and America’sGot Talent. She is a part of the cast, on the new web series “The Wood”. Shehas had many successes she has performed at The Harold Washington CultureCenter, The Regal Theater, Malcolm X college (twice), CVS high school, The RedKiva lounge, The Bassmint studio (Atlanta), The Take The Stage show case inChicago and Atlanta (September 2014) and numerous other lounges and venues. Shehas also written a book which will be published in January 2015. She lives by thequote, “Though Life is dim I KeepShining”, Lady Capone. Throughout her journey she gives all credit to Godas she walks with faith not sight. “Musicis my life, my 1st love, the reason that I breathe, my dream, mypassion, Music is me”.

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