17-year-old Raury is ahead of his time.
Reading hisinterviews and deciphering his lyrics really shed a light on how mature hisviewpoints on life, music and success truly are. As a self-proclaimed “IndigoChild” Raury considers himself a member of a generation of adolescents, allproducts of the internet age, who quickly gain an understanding of life’schallenges and opportunities due to their endless access to information. Thatbeing said, it’s safe to say that Raury is poised to be one of the leaders ofthis generation.
Raury was born and raised in Stone Mountain Georgia where he developed apassion for music and leadership at a very young age. As a kid Raury spent alot of his summers at what is called the C5 Music Foundation, a Coca-Colasponsored camp that offers kids the chance to grow as leaders through workshopsand activities that stress the importance of understanding others and workingtowards a common goal. From his adventurist lyrics to his overall message ofempowerment and even his trademark sunhat, the influence of these summerscouldn’t be more evident in Raury.
Raury began writing songs when he was 3; before he even knew what is was he wasdoing. At the age of 11 Raury picked up a guitar and proceeded to teach himself how to play chord by chord, unaware that he was playing untuned for theentire first year. By the time he was 15, Raury was locked in; writing andproducing his debut project, “Indigo Child” and balancing time betweennever-ending studio sessions and high school days. Raury’s music embodiesinnovation and experimentation with new heights and sounds. He cites Phil Collins,Kid Cudi, Bon Iver, Andre 3000 and ColdPlay as some of his musical influences.All of these influences combined with Raury’s distinctive approach all cometogether to produce a sound that is unlike anything currently on the airwaves.
In his young career Raury has already been championed by the likes of culturalstaples such as Vashtie, Karen Civil, A-Track, Mac Miller and Diplo. He’s alsotaken the internet by storm garnering excitement from Billboard, ComplexMagazine, The Source, Vibe, GoodMusicAllDay, HYPETRAK, Noisey, MTV andHuffington Post to name a few. He aims to radically change the soundscape ofmusic, all the while bringing more and more “indigo children” along with hismovement. Raury said it best himself in a recent interview with the HuffingtonPost. "I just want to make as many people aware that the world isyours," he says. "The world is really yours. People come down on mygeneration so often, and I know that's probably how it works with eachgeneration before it, but I just want to prove them wrong."
His debut project Indigo Child drops this summer.