Kevin Mark Dellinger was born in Santa Maria, California in the United States November 22nd 1972 at 10:10 p.m. at the Vandenburg Airforce Base.
He moved around quite a bit as a young boy.His Father was in the Airforce. Relocating was a common thing back then.Eventually Kevin settled down in Christiansburg, Virginia.He has always been creative since age 10.That was when he first started self teaching himself on electonic keyboard.Bought by his Mother, His very first instrument was an electronic Sears Organ.Eventually he burned out all the wires. So he moved up to a Casio when he was 13.Kevin grew up with a musical family. His Dad played Guitar. His Mom liked to Sing.His brother even played Guitar. Kevin played the Keyboard.
As Kevin got older he improved in his keyboard playing skills. In High School he was in an electronic music band.In College He progressed in his Songwriting skills.Eventually his band broke up. So Kevin went solo.Kevin eventually got his first Roland Workstation when he was 19.Singing, songwriting, and lyric writing was self taught and improved through the years.
Kevin's biggest accomplishments and drama focus point regarding his music was in 1994 and 1995.Kevin won first place in male vocals and songwriting in a National Talent Competitionwith Silver Wings Records in Nashville, TN. He then won again in 1995 for best songwriter.Kevin won a recording contract with Silver Wings Records. After being offered a recording contract from RCA Records,there was a conflict of interest between Silver Wings Records and RCA. Kevin ended up losing the recording contractwith Silver Wings records. RCA was told to go away by Silver Wings Records President.Therefore the end result was nothing. Kevin ended up losing both recording contract opportunities.Kevin went back home to Virginia to finish College.These were the years right before graduating from College at Radford University in May 1996 with a Bachelor Degree in Art.
Kevin Dellinger developed his composing and songwriting skillswith a music engineer, Kenneth Harris. Kevin lived in Radford Virginia from 1996 - 2001.From 1990 - 2001 Kevin recorded his music with Kenneth. Kevin learned much about music producing and engineeringthrough these years. Kenneth Harris was an excellent friend, music engineer and drummer. Kenneth Harris was a great influence on Kevin's life. Those memories with Kenneth Harris will always be cherished.
Through many very difficult personal challenges and a Divorce, Kevin left Virginia in 2003.This changed Kevin's music career drastically. Much of what Kevin learned in the studio carried forward.Kevin no longer had access to Kenneth's Studio. Kevin had to develop on through Home Recording.Kevin remarried in 2005. From 2007 on to present day, Kevin has published 19 digital albums.Much of the music recorded in the early years are still unpublished remaining in cassette archives.
Kevin now lives with his family in North Carolina in the Foothills. He remains in his second marriagewith three wonderful children. Due to many health issues, Kevin is disabled. Although he stillcontinues to live writing music. He also enjoys creating fine art and writing. Only time will tell to see how his story will play out.Regardless, much music has been created by Kevin Dellinger. We hope in some way that it becomes a positive influence on the world.