It seems like every artist has a message they propagate and seemingly live their life by - Lil Jon’s"Turn Down for What", Drake's "YOLO", but none are as selfless and thought provoking as musician and innovator Kenna's "Nothing IsGreater Or Less Than Us.
" People have taken to spray painting the phrase in cities across the world, and some have even tattooed it.
“Nothing Is Greater Or Less Than Us” makes you stop and think and maybe do a little math. With nothing being greater than yourself, everything seems possible - climbing a mountain, raising millions for clean water, being nominated for a Grammy all of which Kenna has managed to accomplish and then some.
Kenna got his start by believing anything was possible in high school in Virginia Beach, VA. At the time Family Channel(subsequently ABC Family)had an office there and at 15 years old he fearlessly went in and asked to meet with CEO James Akerman to discuss his thoughts on the channel’s lack luster programming. Kenna sold two TV show concepts and became the youngestcreative producer for the channel.
If a large television channel wasn't bigger or less than Kenna, nothing was, including music. After being inspired by U2's Joshua Tree,Kenna taught himself to sing, write songs on the piano,arrange music and then made a demo. From there it was a steady trajectory to performing at The Roxy Theater, a record deal with Colombia and Interscope Records, performances with No Doubt and stadium shows for the Live Earth US telecast.
Kenna has performed withJustin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado, Mark Ronson, signed major record label deals,and has received multiple accolades including Grammy nominations. Despite his steadfast music career Kenna has yet to carry the "mainstream" label. Ironically enough Kenna's"un-mainstream" music predicament reached the mainstream audience inMalcolm Gladwell's bestselling book "Blink," which examined theeffect of making decisions based off of gut instinct. Gladwell used Kenna as an example - he was, and still is, beloved by major players in the music industry,being described as "one of the hottest artist in the world" by Kanye West and Justin Timberlake stating that "Kenna is what the world needs to hear, they just don't know it yet." However record executives were reluctant to invest in it. Gladwell concluded that executives had been unsettled by Kenna's unique style and because of it, made the wrong snap decision.
Along with “Nothing Is Greater Or Less Than Us” it also seems as though nothing is off limits to Kenna’s talents and ambitions, which have proven to extend well past music. He is the creative force behindcountless other projects all under his umbrella company Translator.Kenna has produced music festivals, released an academy award nominated short for his song “Hell Bent” that became one of the most played videos in MTV history. He co-created the Lock It UP/That's G campaign for Gatorade, and wasselected by Justin Timberlake to be the Chief Vision Officer and launch the new MySpace. He is also the creative director for multiple brands and the artist in residence at RadicalMedia.
Throughout his career, Kenna’s heart has always been focused on the global clean water crisis. For Kenna it is personal, his father was born in Ethiopia and immigratedto the United States. Growing up inEthiopia, his father and uncle both contracted a waterborne disease, his fathersurvived but his uncle did not. When Kenna’s father raised money to build wellsin Ethiopia, Kenna was inspired to get involved in a major way. He created a transmedia platform calledSummit on the Summit and enlisted 22 other luminaries, (which includedElizabeth Gore, Jessica Biel, and Lupe Fiasco), to climb the 14,000 feet ascentof Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise money and awareness of the clean water crisis.
The results of the climb and campaignwere astounding. They helped raise $400 million in government appropriations, and even spoke before congress. Kenna not only created a wave of awareness but also a new design for audience involvement on social media. In the short time span of the climb the campaign created over 2 billion socialmedia impressions or "social road blocking" as Kenna describes it.
With every step of Kenna’s journey he has lived and breathed "Nothing Is Greater Or Less Than Us," an equal amount of ambition and humility that has gotten him far. Recently you’ve seen him on billboards as one of the faces of Gap's Worldwide"Influencer" Campaign. He is also working on his new album called "Songs for Flight." to be released in 2014/2015.
What is next for Kenna? Everything and anything, because when nothing is greater or less than you, what could ever hold you back?