Private Mix
Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!!
Kipp Baldwin
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/4/2014 7:57:34 AM
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Our masterpiece!
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      just a few items, makes a wonderful table!!
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Great Job!!
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Fun night, tyler, Becky, Henry and Sarah!!
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Devin, Cassie, Max, Henry
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Mikey Boy relaxin!! put the finger away!
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Devin, Melissa and Sarah
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Melissa and Sarah
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Melissa kissing sarah's cheek!!
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      Max and cassie playing some wierd game
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      henry taking a photo of me!! haha
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo
      the cool look of the tables now!!
    • Classic - Things you come up with when it is snowing!!! Mix Photo

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