On Friday,October 1979 J. Unknown was born Stanley Jones to a single mother on the toughwest side streets of Detroit Michigan.
It is not that hard to tell where hislyrics come from.
J. Unknown had his first taste of music in September 1988, playing in his elementary school orchestra. From then on J. Unknown watched every movie about RAP and HIP HOP each chance that he could. Playing the drums in his middle school band turned his outlook on music composition around and he took further interest. He started noticing melody,tempo the overall beat of the drum, that’s what really sparked his ear.
J. Unknown hit the streets hard,he started working a paper route at the age of 9 and selling dope for the man who he worked for. In February of 1992 he went to jail for armed robbery it wasn’t long before he was out and back to the profitable paper route until the age of 15. Everything in life was “whatever”, he really didn’t care.
Living in the deadly streets of Detroit made it much for him to bear. From hearing gunshots night after night,seeing dead bodies in the alley, to friends being shot and killed right in front of him. He needed a release, an outlet, J. Unknown turned to RAP music.Growing up listening to N.W.A., Geto Boys, Slick Rick, K.R.S One, Spice One and many others, showed him how to put what he had on his mind onto paper, whether in a story or just releasing anger.
In August of 1992 he went on to high school, dropped out but still managed to get his GED. J. Unknown started at WCCC in the fall of 1998, but soon quit because it was just too boring.After realizing that school just didn’t hold his interest, J. Unknown pursued his music career.
Writing, recording, producing,mixing, video recording, editing & publishing, J. Unknown decided not to submit to limitation, so he did it all! With the renaissance attitude, he quickly moved forward in life toward what he believed to be his purpose. In 1999 he and a few others started a company by the name of South City Entertainment with the help of his life long friend Lanita. She backed him in everything and he did the work. Business was booming, it was pure, the vibe was sweet and the hunger was strong. Without the help of Lanita, it surely would have taken J. Unknown much longer to begin his quest.
“To be loved by most and hated by many,” he quotes, “I have a family to take care of, that’s who’s going to love me.” Now grown, with a non-quitting attitude, the life of a star is shinning.In the winter of 2006, J. Unknown united with Z.M.G., a group of real ass cat she met along the way, representing very strongly. “THAT’S MY FAM”, he says about Z.M.G.
J. Unknown wont stop going after his spot at the top.He says, “My competition isn’t with these local artists, it’s with all the bigdogs at the top. So lets get it, Zip. Zip