Saxophonist, Flutist, Composer, Arranger
その活動と並行して塚本功(g)率いるネタンダーズ(1996~)に加入し、最新作『衝動』(2009) を含む5枚のアルバム6枚のマキシシングルをリリース。
さらにジャズ・サックス・カルテットの可能性を求め、サキソフォビア(竹内直、緑川英徳、岡淳)(1998~)を結成。 2002年には来日した元米国大統領Bill Clinton 歓迎晩餐会メインステージを務めた。
サキソフォビアではこれまでに5作のリーダーアルバム『Fancymen in the darkness』(2000)『Les Parapluies de Cherbourg』(2003)『A Night at SOMETIME』(2008)『あめふりシンフォニー』(2008)『世界中のこどもたちが』(2010) をリリース。
日本国内初のジャズ・サックス・カルテット用CD&スコアブック『Jazz Standards for Sax Quartet』(2007) 『Jazz Standards for Sax Quartet vol.2』(2008)を出版。
またorange pekoeの諸作品及び全国ツアー(2002~)への参加、本田珠也[Elvin Jones Tribute Band]での活動や忌野清志郎、友部正人、荒巻茂生、五十嵐一生、黒田京子、Cecil Monroe、杉本智和、中塚武、大西順子、吉澤はじめ、クリヤマコト、ケイ赤城をはじめ、ジャンルを越えて数多くのアーティストと共演、レコーディング及びライブ・ツアーに参加。作、編曲提供、アルバム・プロデュースも手がける。
現在はサキソフォビアの他にSLY MONGOOSEでもレギュラー活動中。
In 1994, Hiroshi Juju Inoue formed [Limpid Pulse]. It was sound beyond the genre and purpose was minute arrangement and free improvisation.
In this time, he had big inspiration when met his idols from youth such as Seiji Ozawa(cond), Ornette Coleman(as,ts,tp,vln), Eddie Harris(ts).
[Limpid Pulse] he joined rock band [Netanders] while continuing activity. This band released four pieces of albums and six pieces of maxi singles. Album "MooDoo" released in 1998, it was chosen as an annual excellent album of each music magazine of the year with an overseas artist.
In 1998, Inoue called three Japanese top jazz saxophone players of Nao Takeuchi(ts,b-cl,fl), Hidenori Midorikawa(as,ss) and Makoto Oka(ts,a-fl,shino-bue) and formed peculiar jazz sax quartet [Saxophobia].
In 2002, this band played it on the main stage of the welcome dinner for President of former U.S.A. Bill Clinton. It was praised very highly by Mr. Clinton.
Saxophobia released five pieces of albums. 『Fancymen in the darkness』(2000)『Les Parapluies de Cherbourg』(2003)『A Night at SOMETIME』(2008)『あめふりシンフォニー』(2008)『世界中のこどもたちが』(2010). This band published a CD & scorebooks for jazz sax quartets for the first time in Japan in July,2007 & October,2008.
Hiroshi Juju Inoue participated in most of recording and a tour of pop music unit [orange pekoe] from 2002. In 2006, [EJTB-Elvin Jones Tribute Band] started by an appeal of Tamaya Honda(ds). EJTB released first album "ELVIN JONES TRIBUTE BAND" in September, 2007.
He joined avant-garde club unit [SLY MONGOOSE] in 2011.
Hiroshi Juju Inoue has been participating in many sessions regardless of a field of the music and playing with many artists so far and participating in much recording (Kiyoshiro Imawano, Masato Tomobe, Shigeo Aramaki, Issei Igarashi, Kyoko Kuroda, Cecil Monroe, Tomokazu Sugimoto, Takeshi Nakatsuka, Junko Onishi, Hajime Yoshizawa, Makoto Kuriya, Kei Akagi, Sly Mongoose and more). He has been showing talent of composition and arrangement. And it's an offering for his own group and the various artists.
[Saxophobia] and [SLY MONGOOSE] continues activity now.