Jazz-Rock Trio from Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Together for more than eighteen years Joe Brown are seasoned veterans of the Detroit music "scene." Previously members of bands such as Blasphemous, Bog Blast, Unclean, Smoke, Moss Back, Scruffy Tearaways, Ruthless Horde, Soulpatch and Project Rock.

Joe Brown stands alone in a sea of over-produced singer-songwriter type groups who are trying to be whiny British influenced pop-music-shit. That might be the reason Joe Brown have taken the instrumental approach to music. One might say they are putting the "Music" back into Music. There are no pretty faces in Joe Brown; however, there are plenty of good times, cold beer and car bombs among other things.

Sue Summers from Static Records in Detroit described Joe Brown as " what Rush would sound like if they played cool music."

Steve Scott from Detroit says: "This shit sounds like white-boy pimp music."

So jump on the bandwagon and check out the new music revolution that is sweeping the Detroit and the rest of the Globe. Joe Muthaf@..kin' Brown!

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