♥ Jamilyn Smith ♥
25 years young ;est September 30,1988

I’m the girl that looks pretty && plays dirty =)

2 reasons for breathing their my motivation= Kyra Cheyanne is 7 && Hailey Jo is 6

2 amazing kids who mean the world to me =Madison Breanne && Morgan Renee

A few amazing bestfriends who keep me sane= AmnittyDawn && AngelaLynn && SabrinaJo && C-Lane

An amazing boyfriend who has my whole heart; Shaun Howell ❤

Family is important, i wouldnt be who i am today without them!

Trust is hard to earn && important to keep && impossible to re-earn

I trip, spill things,forget what i am goin to say & cursing tends to be a habit of mine

I worry more about tomorrow instead of today

I’ve sadly learned if we have a bad past then we can’t have a future; sorry not sorry

I’m blunt && brutally honest it comes off like a bitch most times; sorry not sorry

In reality im a closet nerd, I love to read anything as long as it interests me && I love playing my Wii

I just want to be happy no drama, no worries, one of those people who let things roll off their backs =)

I like to drink Budweiser please && if I have a beer in my hand I usually have a Marlboro Menthol Light in my other =)

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