Private Mix
Classic - Some Pics from back in the Day and some new stuff
Terronda Flakes
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/26/2014 5:14:44 AM
    • Classic - Some Pics from back in the Day and some new stuff Mix Photo
      Fam Reunion 2000
    • Classic - Some Pics from back in the Day and some new stuff Mix Photo
      Look close...this cloud is actually Blue.
    • Classic - Some Pics from back in the Day and some new stuff Mix Photo
      LeLe took this while i was doing 55 down the highway!! Teenagers!?!
    • Classic - Some Pics from back in the Day and some new stuff Mix Photo
      Me at the Kappa Champagne Spree...LMAO...I was 19yrs. old...OMG
    • Classic - Some Pics from back in the Day and some new stuff Mix Photo
      Wow has it been 10 yrs. already...where did the time go

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