I am Jeff McLain, just a Coffeeholic neighboring in East Petersburg, PA.
I admittedly drink more cups of coffee in a day, than I drink of water in a week. I am a picky coffee drinker. I prefer fair-trade, shade-grown and organic beans.
People also know me for my shoes. I’ve been wearing Chuck-Taylor sneakers for twenty years. I don’t see a need to stop wearing them now. I only believe in the Chuck-Taylor Classics, none of these revamped ideas.
I grew up in the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. However, I traveled the United States on and off for over twelve years and called a lot of places home. I found and figured out myself and my beliefs through those years of traveling and working in and around music. Part of me is always missing road trips across the country and long distance night drives. Also, truth be told, punk rock especially still holds a special place in my heart. These days, I call East Petersburg Pennsylvania my home.
My family and I try to be intentional about neighboring in East Petersburg, PA. The Borough of East Petersburg is a beautiful and connected upcoming neighborhood that my wife Katie, our daughters and our hodgepodge of pets love to call home. I love being a dad. As a family we pursue simplicity and investing in our neighborhood as neighbors.
At East Petersburg Mennonite Church, I serve as the Associate Pastor. We are a community learning to live and love like Jesus in East Petersburg, PA. I invite you to learn with us. The last Thursday of every month I also help facilitate a Minister’s Meet Up.
In addition to my role as Pastor, I am also a practitioner of missional living and I serve as a coach for those involved in missional community initiatives through Intentionally Creative and Church on the Other Side, a project of the Lancaster Mennonite Conference . Also I am studying pastoral studies through Eastern Mennonite University’s STEP program.
In the past I have also interned at the Lancaster Vineyard Church and been a licensed for ministry in the Conservative Mennonite Conference and Atlantic Coast Conference of Mennonite Church USA.
I look forward to getting to know you and your story.