Jack Goodwind was born on the troubled island of Sicily, aplace full of ancient treasures as well as modern contradictions.
He has donemany things throughout his life including, running the family’s furniture shopin his hometown, traveling around Europe as a sales agent, managing aninsurance agency in a small town, and becoming an Internet Marketingspecialist.

He is a sailor. He served his country both in the Navy andthe Army. He has seen the amazing and the horrible. He sailed several Maxi Cupsin Porto Cervo among the wealthiest and most unimaginable luxury, and he sawthe horrors and the atrocity of the war first hand.

Everything he has done has made him who he is today, thesame person as when he started, and a completely new person that his life has taughthim to be.

Now, he has become a writer, because there are too manythings he wants to say, too many things he needs to share. His first novel in the Lineof Blood Saga, Ancient Truth, despiteits obvious references to the worlds of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, is actually ajourney inside something impalpable, yet very real; the human soul. We are not“part of the picture,” we are masters, keepers, lords of this universe. Ourright is to choose, our responsibility is to do it wisely. This is the ultimategift the supreme Intelligence gave us, this is why and what we are. The point, hispoint, is to not pretend to have all the answers, it is simply to have the willto look for them.

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