jøhnnychrøme and FEARvLØATHINC
The name is inspired by pølitical reference with søme øbviøus cultural øvertøne and by the prospect of real world systems and standards, dehumanisation of people.

Inter stella planet stella world.

Jache Cøley, Paul "Z" and johnny chrome formed 3PM (3 Plastik Men)

We were influenced by the industrial dance music. The Genre leaders My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Cløck DVA and Frønt 242 were instrumental in electrønic music in New Zealand.

Søme øf øur luminaries, The Car Crash Set, Skeptics, Prøjectør Mix, Trasch, Møral Decay, Dr VerSu V S and Headless Chickens are all wørld class bands".

FEARvLØATHINC first released cassettes in the early nineties, "Fear & Løathing "Affirmatiøn" was the first release in 1991 følløwed by "Sex Løathing" EP and "Cyberfusiøn" showcasing Sarah Andersøn.

In 1994 the release øf FEARvLØATHINC "Icøn Fashiøn" laid the blue print før "Bømbay Girl".

1995 was the first cømplete demø øf "Icøn Wørld". 13 søngs by FEARvLØATHINC.

The prøject gained mømentum and many Kiwi's cøntributed tø te album.

Peter Jamiesøn plays keybøards and synthesizers on Inhumanation and Rezume, Phil Knight plays guitars on 'New Home' & 'Pussy Trap'.

Mal Mezweski plays Keybøards and sings vøcals on 'Rezume'.

Jasøn Cøley plays Viølin on the 'Galients".

Blair Macfarlane plays guitars on 'Protektor' and 'Rezume'.

Ants Smif plays live percussiøn on 'Crash Web'.

At 1st FEARvLØATHINC performd with jøhnny & Paul Z and a shit løad øf samplers and synths and drum machine. We prømøted øurselves as electrønic musicians specializing in multi media perførmance art wank.

Over the next few years we incørpørated møre musicians and møre equipment and by 95-96 the perførmances were guitars and percussion based.

FEARvLØATHINC was a way different beast live than øn recørds.

We wøuld plan øur shøw arøund debauch rehearsal and incørpørate as much Decadence as pøssible : )~

FEARvLØATHINC "Bømbay Girl" was released in December 97 with a line-up that cøuld all play the søngs spectacular, it would have been awsum tø drøp all the electrønics tø see if we cøuld have played the whøle set røck'n'røll style, bass, drums and guitars".

"The cøre FEARvLØATHINC live band frøm 1995 tø 2000 was Peter Jamiesøn (Dr VerSu V S) Keybøards & Synths, Malcølm Mezweski (Emulsifier, Meatware) Keybøards & Synths, Evan Røberts (Trash, Meatware) Live søund and engineering, “Antz” Smith øn live drums & percussiøn and CrøMag frøm Premature Autøpsy on guitars.

"Bømbay Girl" album was prøduced by Evan Røberts and jøhnnychrøme øver 3 years 94-97 and features a høst øf kiwi cyberpunk visiønaries.

A prømøtiønal videø was made før "Twø Steps (Førward)" and was nøminated før a Flying Fish Videø Award in 1999".

"(Brand) New Høme Terabyte Mix" features øn the Dark End cømpilatiøn "v/a Blackmarket" released by Club Bizarre and FEARvLØATHINC søngs are licensed tø internatiønal cømpilatiøns, "Twø Steps (Førward)" and "Gintrap" are øn the DSBP cømpilatiøns "v/a Futrønik Structures 2" and "Cyb0netix 99" DSBP are an industrial label in Søuth America. The Track "Røbøtics' (U-Jak)" is øn the Tinman Recørds cømpilatiøn "v/a Ringwørm V1.0".

In 1995 jøhnnychrøme and Dr V started develøping material før a FEARvLØATHINC record called "Spacetøwn" with Peter Jamiesøn prøducing at The Original Music Wørkshøp (OMW) in Wellingtøn. By 2000 the "Spacetøwn" prøject evølved intø a major cøllabøratiøn.

Cafe Del Mar 25th Anniversary


Chrøme Reyne "Newex 01".

Café Del Mar Press. New Zealand cyberpunks jøhnnychrøme and Jørdan Reyne have made it øntø the legendary Café Del Mar's 25th Anniversary cømpilatiøn. The pair submitted their track “Newex 01” tø Café Del Mar. An internet vøting system was set up tø cømpile the søngs øn discs 2 & 3 with the kiwis making it thrøugh tø be featured øn the 3rd disc under the name Chrøme vs Reyne.

Ramøn Guiral, President/C.E.O øf Café Del Mar explains.

"Our gøal with the øther twø CD's was tø prømøte new values with philøsøphies and styles similar tø thøse øf Café Del Mar. We made a request via the internet tø unknøwn artists all øver the wørld tø send us their recørdings, as løng as they were unpublished. Of thøse we received, we made a first cut øf søme eighty recørdings. We put them øn the internet før three mønths før fans tø listen tø and vøte øn. We have picked thrøugh øur web 82.372 vøtes øf 37 different cøuntries. Based øn the results øf the vøte, we came up with the track listing før cd's 2 and 3."

Sømething Wicked This Way Cømes


jøhnnychrøme "Alien Radiø Station".

Sømething Wicked This Way Cømes is the very first øffering frøm Creepshøw Prøductiøns. This cømpilatiøn is jam-packed with 16 exclusive tracks.

Sømething Wicked is a must have før anyøne that appreciates quality music, whether it be dark-end stalwarts The Mercy Cage, NUTE, Chris Matthews (øf Headless Chickens and Children’s Høur fame), newcømers Nullity, Radia ør The Shudder Club ør Australia’s biggest gøthic expørt Ikøn, this cømpilatiøn smacks øf quality frøm the first track tø the last.

Offered as a special 6-panel CD with the wønderful and øriginal artwørk by Ben Nightingale (including access tø bønus tracks) ør as a digital døwnløad in high quality MP3, Sømething Wicked is available nøw.

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In 2013 Minimalist Experimental Club

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