Irregular is a 29 year old emcee who dares to be different by pushing the creative boundariesof hip hop.
He does so by putting out songs of substance that touch on true tolife emotions and travel on a journey from pain to praise. His wife Krystal Marie sings on many of histracks and brings a cool calm to his music by adding her angelic voice to hisedgy tone. The production he chooses area melting pot of gritty samples, high energy beats, and the smooth melodicquality sound you get by adding live instruments to the mix. Irregularresides in Las Vegas, Nevada and got his hip hop roots from growing up in LosAngeles during the late 90’s gangsta rap era and also from its undergroundsecular scene. At age 14 he started hismusic career recording albums and performing all across California. Irregular and his crew became the opening actfor artist like Too Short, Raekwon, Brooklyn Zoo, CRayz-Walz, Hieroglyphics andTalib Kweli in Los Angeles and Irregular was featured on mixtapes with E-40,Hieroglyphics, and Sean Price to name a few. To support his music career Irregular began dealing drugs at age 14 andsoon became addicted to his own supply of pain killers.
In 2010, afterthe suicide of a close friend and the overdose of another in the same week,Irregular decided he wanted to change his life for the better. He thought hecould leave behind the pain of his past if he left California so he moved to LasVegas in the hopes to finding a new way.
FinallyIrregular opened up to God’s calling when he was coming down off of drugs inthe middle of the night. He was providedwith the clarity he needed that night while staring at himself in the mirror tofinally make a change. Irregular called his soon to be wife Krystal who toldhim to come to church the next day if he was serious about changing his life.
At church thatday Irregular was introduced to the Christ centered program called CelebrateRecovery and over the next year Irregular stayed 100 percent dedicated to theprogram. Through it he became equipped with the tools he needed to overcome 15years of drug addiction. He was also able to surrender and devote his life toJesus Christ, while also finding his true life purpose in serving others.
In his serviceand sobriety Irregular rediscovered his love for hip hop so he started his ownmusic ministry, called Irregular4Christ. Irregular4Christ is a music ministry whichis made up of his wife Krystal and best friend and ministry partner Ken. The ministries focus is on giving hope to thehopeless by spreading testimonies of God’s grace.
Irregular’smusic ministry continues to grow and is always looking to help those who arelooking to overcome their addictions and struggles. He hopes to uplift peoplethrough music ministry and love, by bring the good news of Jesus Christwherever God calls him to be.