impuritan [at] gmail [dot] com

Impuritan is an experimental rock collective formed 2010 in San Francisco. It consists of Alex Eliopoulos & a fluid lineup of musicians. Key collaborators are David R Molina (Transient, Ghosts & Strings, Tau) and Pepe Abad (La Ira De Dios). Past members include John Lee (The Laytcomers, Drum Wolf) and Owen Grace (Guitar Zeros).

Impuritan combines live instrumentation, loops, and samples to create lush walls of sound. Since 2011, Impuritan has toured the US (numerous times) & Europe (once) performing at music venues, art galleries, festivals, and alternative/outdoor spaces – often with projections & visuals.

Impuritan has released five albums on Distant Spore Records - their own label - to positive reviews from The Bay Bridged, Pow Magazine, KQED, Freq, Heavy Blog Is Heavy, and globally. Their songs have received consistent airplay on KALX, KZSU, KFJC, and KXLU and other college/independent radio.

"Qa Ch'umilal" – their most recent 2019 full-length album – is an enticing evolution of ever-dedicated sonic experimentalism around a core of noise rock, psychedelia, post-punk, shoegaze, surf, and sound-collage.

Impuritan is a sonic embodiment of life, death, love, hate, space, time, evolution and extinction. An abstract dream or visceral nightmare. In stereo. Wellspring eternal

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