Private Mix
Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard
Bill Sinn
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/24/2014 5:37:16 PM
    • Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard Mix Photo
      A wolf spider with a 4 inch leg span in our laundry room
    • Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard Mix Photo
      One of three tarantulas in the front yard, shes hanging out waiting for something tasty (9PM)
    • Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard Mix Photo
      Another one of the three tarantulas in the front yard, hes a cruising down the street in front of the house. (9PM)
    • Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard Mix Photo
      Arizona King Snake killing and eating a Rattlesnake in the driveway. There's a reason they call them Kings!
    • Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard Mix Photo
      9-15-08, This little feller was hanging out on the road between ours and the neighbors house. He started to book it when I went for the cam!
    • Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard Mix Photo
      9-15-08, Another baby rattler, same night on another portion of the street that loops around our subdivision.
    • Classic - Arizona 'Pets' in the House and Yard Mix Photo
      9-15-08, A little bit closer! When it starts to cool off at night, they like to lay on the pavement for heat, see how his body is flattened?

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