In From The Cold is formed in the beginning of 2007...
The founding members are Jimi Triple B (Hang, Drawbacks)& Count Boris (Hang, Through Art)...Jimi always wanted to have a band like that, in 1999 he jammed "the gambler" song with a couple of friends, but nothing serious came out of that.... About 8 years later he wrote a couple of more songs and invited Boris for a few beers and a jam session...It worked out great...In the next two years, during various sessions, "Anxiety Fix EP" was completed, soon after that one, "Ghostsong EP" was recorded...In november 2009. Count Boris is leaving the band (but we still drink beers together, nothin' bad happened), Adimiron is taking over the drummer position and Sleepy jumped in to ride those extra low bass lines...So now we have some kind of an all-star line up, with extra experienced musicians: Adimiron (Stone To Flesh, Bombarder...), Mr.Shomer (Vox Populi, Spitback...), Jimi 3B (Hang, Drawbacks, FC Apatride UTD, Hitman, Eraserhead...) & Sleepy(Full Size, FakeFreedom, Worg...). During the next couple o' years In From The Cold shared the stage with some pretty cool names, like almighty Cathedral, Bombarder, Karma To Burn, The Ocean, Stonebride, Dordeduh, Brotherhood Of Sleep, Seven That Spells, Kozeljnik...etc. In the begining of 2011. Grom Records released the double CD compilation album featuring the trax by Helheim, Vulture Industries, The Stone, Dickless Tracy, Bane, Awaiting Fear, Iceni...etc. In From The Cold made appearence with the song "The Prime" recorded exclusively for this release! In the end of the summer of 2011, "From Within & With Many Names" song appeared on the 2CD compilation "Eastern Doomination", released by Doom Metal Front 'zine, Germany. In September 2011. Mr. Shomer left the band for personal issues, we're still brothers, no bad blood involved. He is replaced by Mirko (Trough Art). The new album, entitled "Mythy stories & the Sewer Lullabies" coming very soon...
N FROM THE COLD - Anxiety Fix 2009
IN FROM THE COLD - Ghostsongs Ep 2010
IN FROM THECOLD - "From Within & With Many Names" promo CD 2011
IN FROM THE COLD - "22092011 - Raw, dirty, drunk & all up in smoke!" (live)
IN FROM THE COLD - "Four Skulls And The Beast" promo CD 2012
IN FROM THE COLD - "LiveFest04072013"