"HUMANWINE makes music that dances between raindrops, sending up green shoots between the broken cobblestones of folk, punk, mythology and open revolt.
It is a soundtrack to broken rules and mutant genres, evoking a world that skips over the Age of Oil and all its cruelties, stitching together a patchwork of past and future, a do-it-yourself apocalypse that is strangely utopian." - Dan Abbott
Passionate and award winning vocalist, Holly Brewer (The Folks Below) co-writes and performs with acclaimed multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Matthew McNiss (TI:ME:ST:AMP / Welcome To Vinland) to elaborate on the fictional land they call Vinland releasing all of their material with a creative commons license through their own Record Label, Nervous Relatives since 2002. HUMANWINE keeps audiences on their toes by taking local musicians and performers and throwing them into the mix to create a very different live show each time.
Northeast Performer
"In the same way that HUMANWINE constructed the ethereal Vinland, they have managed to create their own world within the conventional sense of reality and the rules have been written. The traditional ways of addressing issues in songs and playing shows have been supplanted by a new methodology. The old ways have been cast aside in favor of widespread collaboration, stylistic crossbreeding, audience involvement, and an undying commitment to controlling what they put out and let in. Once you cross that threshold and are under the big top, enjoy the show."
-T. Blake Littwin
401 Media
"Punk rock types could learn something from the uncategorizable HUMANWINE who take influences from all over the place and put them together to create their own new sound."