Theband has been created in 1993 by Nicola Bianchi with the aim tocreate an uncompromising weapon melting together everything’s Extremein hispersonal idea of music. Year by year a strong coherence and firm willgave tothis damned creature a respected name being considered the firstviolent actmoving from Italy and one of the most killer acts into the Undergroundscene.

During 18 years a lot of different musicians took part (lees or more)... tothis projectheaded by Nicola who never accepted neither compromises nor differentinfluences to his way to play music. “Coherence and Underground spiritahead!this is my mark!”.



HANDFULOF HATE was put together by Nicola B.


Theband records the demo tape "Goetia Summa".


HANDFULOF HATE signs a deal with Northern Darkness Records for therelease of two albums. The band records its first album "QliphothicSupremacy" at the end of 1996.


NorthernDarkness Records releases the second album "Hierarchy 1999".The deal with the label ends this same year.


HANDFULOF HATE records a 3 songs promotape. The swedish label DownfallRecords offers the band to release 2 songs on a limited 7"-ep.


DownfallRecords releases the infamous "Death From Above EP" on 7"-ep,limited to 666 copies.


Theband decided to record a new 2 song promo CD. Code666 rec offers toHANDFUL OF HATE a record deal for one album. The song "Hell's carnalscream" taken from the "Promo 2002" appears on the "Better Undead ThanAlive" double compilation CD by Code666 rec.


Code666Records spawns the third full album called "ViceCrown". WarlordRecords releases a limited 500 copies 7"-ep called"Scorn And Conquest" which includes either the title track from the"Promo 2002" and the Impaled Nazarene's cover "The Horny and thehorned".


DownfallRecords releases the "Blood Calls Blood" MCD, including allremastered songs from "Promo 2001" plus an old 1999 unreleased song asbonustrack. Under license of Code666 Records, Russian label CD-Maximumreleases the east -European version of "ViceCrown" album. The bandplays live around Eurpe.


HANDFULOF HATE signs a one- album deal with the Italian label Cruz DelSur Music.


HANDFULOF HATE records the fourth full- length album "GruesomeSplendour". The new album is out on November the 20th...


Theband promotes the new album through a massive european live-gigscampaign.


November2008: Handful Of Hate appears on the compilation LP "Long LiveMetal!!! acte premier" released by Emanes Metal records (France) in 500limited copies with the song "Boldly Erected" taken from the album"ViceCrown" (Code666 rec. 2003)..


Theband is playing live in Italy and Europe and getting ready for therecording of the 5th full-lenght album.

July- August: The band is recording the new album titled “You WillBleed” at “Studio 73” (RA –Italy) and “Cholera Industries” (Camaiore-LU - Italy) the release date will be November 2009 under the sign ofCruz Del Sur Music. Will follow a massive gig campaign to support thenew piece of Hate considered by the band itself as "a tribute to theroots of Black/Death Metal and a genuine, uncompromising act lookingtowards the old times!".


Theband is touring around Europe and composing new material.

Thenext chapther will be the most Extreme ever!


20th year of Underground and Hate! the band celebrates with the longawaited reprint of "Qliphothic Supremacy" the first album sold outsince 2001. This opus comes with 4 bonus tracks and an enriched artworkthrough Azermedoth records (Mex).

November 2013: "TO PERDITION" Code666/Aural Music the 6th albumis out! This piece of pure hatred comes out in a : Ultralimited"wooden Torture box" handmade edition, Digipack cd (limited to 1000copies) and jewelcase. Soon a tape version will be released too.

Never so fast, never so extreme, never so powerfull before!

The band is now promoting the new opus blasting on stage and celebrating 20 years of infamous and extreme activity.

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