In the year 2006 Grazian Zwick aka DJ Amazing Graze and his younger brother GerritZwick aka DJ Nogard founded the project "G-Style Brothers".
With thisfusion a combinationof two different styles of mixing and deejaying has been created which is themain feature of this dj-team and makes them extraordinary. It`sa clash of Electronic and Black Music.

Meanwhilethe two brothers have showed their skills in many clubs in and out of Germany andhave performed on many events like Nature One, Ruhr In Love, Toxicator, Harder& Faster, Pussy MF, Sunshine-Live Welcome To The Club and many more.

They also presented live-sets at the radio-station "Sunshine-Live" duringthe "Mix Mission 2008, 2009, 2010" program. And still to this daytheir sets are presented on “Sunshine-Live” during special program shows.

2008 the two brothers have started to produce their own tracks together with theirfriend and mate Stefan Haschke. In January 2009 they released their first trackcalled "We Bring You Bazz" on “Tunnel Records”. Up to now they areproducing tracks like United Az One, Our World, Momentz, Down South MF. Withtheir tracks the G-Style Brothers have reached several great chart results inSwitzerland, England and Germany and have been well placed in many downloadstores.

Add to this they have produced several remixes for well know Acts like DJ Dean, DJKlubbingman, Trance Generator, DJ Sequenza and others.

At the beginning of 2011 the two brothers mixed and compiled one site of thesampler “Hardstyle Germany vol.6”.

Since vol.49 of the popular German Sampler “DJ Networx” they are responsible for compilingand mixing of the second site which includes 25 smashing hardstyle tracks.

One can hear the G-Style Brothers every Thursday with their broadcast show “BazzControl” in the web on www.HardBase.Fm from 20:00 till 22:00 o`clock.

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