The story of Grotesque Gallery begins in 2007 with the ideology of Kirkdia.
Starting in 2008 with living room studio and some exercise with 3D animation, Grotesque Gallery released first songs on Youtube with animated videos. Redemptor, Hallitsemattoman Raivon Meri and Ei Helvetti were released.
In 2009 Grotesque Gallery began to seek innovation from urban exploration. At first in Finland but continuing in to Baltic Countries. Meanwhile the travel documentary was published on Youtube, so were released some new songs, for example Ei Muistikuvia.
The first demo Kirkidia was released in 2010.
After the demo release the work on the first album was immediately started. The preview versions of the songs were delivered for pilot reviewing and based on the feedback given the work was continued. One song, Kitukasvo, was left out. In Grotesque Mansion, Tuusula the working proceeded by making totally new electronic drums. After the winter and spring in 2011 the drums were ready and it was time to record other instruments and vocals. A temporary recording studio was built in couple of rooms of the Grotesque Mansion and the recordings began. In July the live scenes of video Raajaton were shot at Club Kuudeslinja, Helsinki.
In autumn 2011 recordings were completed and started the era of mixing. After broken deals and promises GG crew faced the challenge of learning how to mix. Until spring 2012 it was mostly try and fail, but started to turn in to more satisfying results. In the end of 2012 some more scenes for Raajaton were shot and the mixing was completed. The album was sent to mastering and mastered versions were returned in the beginning of 2013. Raajaton video was released on Youtube in March.
The first album Smertheim released in June 2013. Album release was made in online, Spotify, Amazon and iTunes being the distribution channels.
Meanwhile Grotesque Gallery had made promotion and the debut concert was agreed. The date & location were in October 2013, in St. Petersburg, Russia. During the autumn 2013 weekly rehearsals and improvements to the track sounds were done.