IN A NUTSHELL: Regressive rock in a progressive direction.
Originals and standard 70's, 80's, and 90's covers. Your patrons will like us. Trust us.


Frank Gondo had it all--great job in the financial services industry, house in suburbia, kids, wife, the American dream. Then 2008 happened. Along with millions of other upwardly mobile professionals, Frank found himself jobless.

During the downtime, Frank dusted off his musical chops that had languished since high school and started writing and composing music, with the goal of performing acoustically at local bars and coffeehouses while looking for a job.

During the recording process, however Frank started incorporating bass, drum machines, electric guitar, synthesizers, and violins into the music, expanding it beyond its acoustic roots. Frank submitted the recording to I-Tunes as an album "At The Twilight's Last Gleaming," which they accepted, much to his surprise and delight.

A following soon started building on MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter. Along with that came requests to play live. Frank knew that he needed some solid players, and knew a couple he had jammed with in the past. Blaine Sidnarssen, former drummer for Little Blue Taxi and M28 joined him along with Joe Veerthaler on bass.

The band is currently working on recording additional material and playing live gigs.

Sounds like: The bastard child of Neil Young and Rush.

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