Personal Encounters
Are you tired of struggling with the same issues day after day?

Do you need a breakthrough in your life from the things that are affect you?

Are you ready to walk into your true identity, purpose and destiny?

It is time for a personal encounter, a time to deal with the very things that are dealing with you, and causing you not to operate, function, or move into your purpose and destiny. The Father declared that you are free, and now it is time for you to walk in your God given freedom… Make the choice today to receive healing, hope, holiness and wholeness in your life…

A Personal Encounter is a time of ministry in which a trained deliverance minister meets with individuals one on one who have requested ministry in the area of deliverance and inner healing. During this session they identify areas in the individual’s life where strongholds, generational curses, trauma and various other hindrances need to be removed through spiritual warfare, laying on of hands and deep travailing prayer. A basic understanding of deliverance and inner healing is imperative and very relevant for the overall effectiveness of the ministry time. If you desire personal ministry and teaching in this area please contact our ministry for one of our upcoming seminars, workshops, trainings, etc.

For more information or to schedule a personal encounter appointment please complete the form below and someone will contact you. Help is on the way!!!

Relationship Counseling

We all have relationships. Most of us are looking for improved skills for creating and maintaining healthy, intimate relationships, and find ourselves struggling to achieve effective communication and a sense of joy and peace in all our relationships. We all learned math and thestate capitals in school, but nowhere in our traditional education did we learn simple communication skills. In working with families, couples, and individuals for more than 20 years, We have found that communication is one of the most important keys to grasp in having a success of relationships.

Relationship Counseling Sessiona are avaible over the phone and in person by appointment. For pre-marital, relationships, couples, etc…


Remember that only one person can speaks at a time. It is key that each person must hear the other through and respond to what they have said before taking their turn!

Open Your Heart: Realize that the person may not be aware of the impact of their actions and how their actions affect you.

Validate: Validate the person you are speaking with, reassure them that they have your support.

“I am feeling”: State what it is that you are feeling or experiencing at the the in a calm manner.

Request: Request clearly what you desire from the relationship and/or the person.

Repeat: Ask your partner to repeat back to you what you have said to him/her. Solicit feedback.

Plan: Plan and negotiate together how your request can be honored with both parties desires being fulfilled.

Agree: Agree on the plan. (Remember that often a plan must include a time deadline for the request to be honored, make space for compromises and modifications.)

Reiterate: Reiterate the agreement to each other. This is crucial to be certain that all parties clearly understand the agreement.

Thanks: Thank the person for their willingness to communicate with you effectively, positively, openly, calmly, etc.

Want to know more?

Contact us for a free consultation

Also Purchase our relationship book, "Diary of a Man/Heart of a Woman!"

Life Coach

Here are some of the service we provide through Life Sessions:

Specialized Training Offered By Gods Anointed Minstries “Life Coaches”

Motivate – Activate – Celebrate

Successful Living Through a Positive Attitude

Effective Communications

Designing Your Divine Destiny

Living a Life of Excellence

Stress Management – Innovative Relaxation Techniques

Self Esteem Sessions

Tools for Life Success

Teen Summit “Our Future Is Now…”

Total Man/ Total Woman

Want to learn more?

Every Challenge Has a Solution!

Pastor Rufus and Glenda Fields can help you improve your life, and help you to become empowered to achieve your life’s goals the way God designed! Call for yourself, your family, your friends, or your chruch groups. We offer group and individual session — Training session can even be done over the phone.

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