I'm in progress of two degrees at two different colleges: Franklin University and Cincinnati State.
I'm currently studying Business Administration at Franklin University to obtain my Bachelor of Science degree; which will cover the last two courses I needed at Cincinnati State Technical College in the field of Social Work to obtain my Associate Degree of Arts and Humanities.

I am multi-gifted and talented as well as cross trained in a variety of fields. I spent my first two years at Franklin University studying Marketing, Public Relations, and accounting (Managerial & Finance accounting). I've served 5 year for the United States Army and Reserves. I graduated from Southern Ohio College certified by OPOTC in Private Security and certified at Hughes High School Vocational with a two year certificate in Automotive Body and Fender repair. I've attended colleges and training ranging from medical technologies to paralegal. I'm the owner of Gattasea Enterprise that employees local vending efforts.

It's been a great journey of learning and experience as I apply all I've learned to begin this Facebook page to network and share my hobbies and events of friends and associates who are working entertainers and artists.

I have a passion for music and comedy. I've done shows with many local artists in Ohio and some are nationally known. My last big performance was as the rapper Sista Afrika aka La'Trace Class A which I performed with the now producer Hi-Tek and Strictly Fire (currently a Christian rapper).

My next move is to perform some comedy for 2013.

I have many websites through the internet of which I designed myself and some are partnered with my University's assignments with classmates. These websites are and and which are helpful sites for social media professionals and those who travel to the Middle East.

ABlackSheep Society located at and were to be a community organization site which is in the making. Update: Ablacksheepsociety is now so stop by and visit my work.

And each of my many interests and aspiration placed me on a quest to capture the resources need to prove one thing to my self and create jobs, that I am an inventor and innovator.

I've created and gave-away by abandonment, a lucrative invention and I can't get over that emotionally. My invention has been selling year after year by a company that focuses on fitness named Body By Jake, for over 19 years. Being a single parent and living paycheck to paycheck to fuel this invention sent me on a journey to reach the ultimate pay to make this inventor's dream of mines come true. I'm currently holding two new inventions with the same outstanding well planned potential and it looks like the performing stage of comedy will be my next attempt to reach financial success to push my new inventions to market. Once these products are recognized, they are going to change the world in so many ways to help decrease the toxins in our waterways, soil, and air. They will give people extra time to do other things. And everyone will enjoy them. Sorry I can't share what these inventions are in detail but I am confident that my new inventions should have the investors I need int he very near future.

I have two wonderful children and a creative grand daughter. Being positive is my best attribute and I smile heavily as I'm loving life and all of my journeys on Mother Earth. Greetings and salutes are something that is habitual to me, so I'm known for titling those around me as Kings, Gods, Queens, and Goddess for I think highly of the human race. I spend no time idle and you can find me on twitter at

FAVORITE QUOTE:Book of Proverbs, King's James Version Bible: "...there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end there of are the ways of death."

my own quote:

"Life is discovery to me. In order that people reach their fullest potential, they can't stop learning and discovering themselves nor their world." (Tracey. Diarra, 2013)


Working with Mr. Anil Nanan music engineer of Apopka Florida for several years now. Had plans for releases this year, however I was injured at my daytime workplace this month February 2016 and I am recovering. Stay tuned, I would love for you to hear us, we are pretty damn good.

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