Futurología (from the spanish word futurology, a.k.a. ftrlg) is an experimental audiovisual collective/assemble formed in 2007 in Mexico City.
The alignment has changed through the years, therefor, styles, ideas and concepts have evolved too. There have also been various temporal colaborations once in a while.

Futurología have no defined instrumentation, method nor genere. Digital analog synths, effects processors, violin, cello, electric bass and guitar, circuit-bent instrumens, open source software, radio, poetry, toys and samplers are used to create atmospheres and textures that can go from IDM up to post-rock, even noise or wall-drone; al of these with visual effects sorrounding the environment produced with light games, fog, video manipulation, animation, T.V., live actions and performances, live stop-motion, dance, as well as special garments, masks, etc.

They sometimes improvise, others they prepare rehaersed pieces or they create concrete music works. On other occations Futurología musicalize escenic works, or they collaborate with visuals for other artists, sometimes they create music form visuals or the other way around, other times they do the contrary (and viceversa).

Fturología try to use as much free software (or Software “Libre”) tools as we can for creating, producing, editing and realising, so all their work is licenced under Creative Commons (although some things may cost).

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