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Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights!
Jeremy Herring FFs
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/5/2014 5:10:03 AM
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is one of my good friends Tori Shupp! She is an amazing person and is in love with her Girlfriend!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Jade, she should have the right to get married anytime and any place she wants!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Jasmin Fraga and she should be able to have the same rights as every straight person does!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Carol and she is a lesbian... does that mean she should be denied her right to marry someone she loves?
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Stephanie and she is a lesbian and has 7 kids and is just as good of a mom as any straight mom!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Lindsay, she is in love with a girl who she should be able to marry!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Kristi, she has a wonderful girlfriend and should be able to marry who when she wants!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Shy, is Kristi's girlfriend and she should be able to marry the love of her life is she wants to!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Daniela, she is a lesbian, and intends no harm when she wishes for the same rights as a first class citizen.
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Marianne, she's a lesbian, and she has every right to marry a girl that she would fall in love with, regardless of the majority&
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Chef Michelle, she cooks, works with SAR dogs, and wants freedom for ALL!!!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Grit, Chef Michelle's girl, and should be able to one day be legally married to her without having to fight for it!!!
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Sasha, she likes the quote, love knows nothing but love. Where there's love, it should be honored.
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Ashley, she should be able to marry anyone anywhere! Why should others decide if she can?
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is, Evin Zodrow, and she believes, regardless of gender, there should be equality within marriage rights.
    • Classic - Lesbians who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Jessika, she has a wonderful fiance who she should be able to marry!

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