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Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights!
Jeremy Herring FFs
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/5/2014 5:10:03 AM
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Heather and she is an amazing person and a great supporter! Thanks Heather!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Katrina Lynn, she is bi and she deserves the same rights as everyone else!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Monique and she is bi too and she wants equal rights for everyone too!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is kit, she she is bi and deserves to marry who ever she wants!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Jennifer she should have the exact same rights as every other person in America! From the picture you can tell she wants peace!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Ashley she is 14 and would love to have gay marriage legalized every where and not only in some states!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Miranda, she is bi and she should be able to work any job she wants with out worrying about being fired for who she likes!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Dante, he is bi and if he wanted to be a soldier then he would have to stay closeted...don't you find that unfair?
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Elliott, he is bi and should be able to have just as much freedom as every heterosexual does!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Tara, she is bi and should be able to say "freedom for all" and believe it!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Darryl , he is gay! He should be able to walk down a street with out being yelled at for being gay!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is John, he is ready to fight for gay rights and help win this battle we all have to deal with!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Megan Yauger, she is bi! She should be able to work anywhere she wants and not have to worry about being fired for being gay!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Dariana, she is bi and should be able to shout it out loud with out having to worry about people yell at her for it!
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Heather, and she would love a girl or a guy all the same. But shouldn't she be able to marry a girl or a guy all the same as wel
    • Classic - Bi people who deserve their rights! Mix Photo
      This is Esmeralda and Sarah, and they want equal rights for all!!

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