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Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras
Flirting With Forty
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/6/2014 1:24:10 PM
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Extras and crew prepare for a new take
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Signing books and postcards for new Flirting with Forty fans
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      LA Producers and Jane's Hawaii pals hanging out at the end of the day
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Trevor & Kessa chilling between takes
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Ty and Dana. (Dana was a much requested extra!)
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Jane on the beach between takes trying not to get burnt
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Jane loving being part of the action
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Producer Lucy Mukerjee and Jane listening to direction
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Jane in front of the pool scene where Jackie first meets surfer Kai
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Jane’s “Kai”… the inspiration behind the novel, Flirting With Forty.
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Lunch break means a tropical drink
    • Classic - Jane Porter and Friends on the Movie Set as Extras Mix Photo
      Surfer Ty, his surf crew, and Jane as extras on the movie set, which is also our beach.

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