Eric F. Lemieux is a composer, guitarist and Canadian poet who creates original music for all types of ensembles.
He started playing guitar at age 12 and has written several soundtracks for film. His influences are many and run the gamut from Renaissance intimate Gazpar Sanz’s counterpoints to contemporary electro-symphonic and from classical forms to flashy modern fusion styles like Alan Holdsworth’s. He aims at bringing together and drawing parallels between styles and universes that may at first appear at odds with one another. His diversified musical studies have earned him a Masters’ degree in musical composition under the supervision of Alan Belkin at the University of Montreal. Past teachers have also included Jacques Hétu, Michel Longtin and Jose Evangelista. Some of his guitar music has been published in distinguished guitar magazines around the world, amongst others in the German publication “Akustik Guitarre”. He currently teaches music and works on many creative endeavors in Montreal. His first CD release entitled “Three Suites for Guitar” is now available worldwide throughout the US classical music label Centaur Records.

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