Formed at the end of2004, the fledgling audio entity entitled ENOCHIAN THEORY (PronouncedE-KNOW-KEY-AN) began to work hard, practice harder and progressed quickly fromthe start, with the aim of pushing themselves as musicians and expanding theirsound as far as possible.
Enochian Theory recorded,mixed and co-produced their 1st release in June 2006 titled 'A Monument To TheDeath Of An Idea’, the band also created the records artwork, aiming to delivera high quality yet faithful representation of the Enochian Theory's currentcreative efforts.
Even at this early stagethe band were playing support shows at their local venues with acts such asEphel Duath, Twin Zero, Negura bunget and Red Sparrows.
After some carefulthinking, the band decided to combine their industry knowledge and form theirown Record Label and Promotions Company for the sole reason of supporting theband's interests. 'Anomalousz Music Records' was officially formed In January2007, signing a distribution deal seven months later with CODE 7/Plastic HeadDistribution.
When it came for EnochianTheory to start work on their 2nd release in August 2008, the band teamed upwith friends Josh Eaves, Ross Gill and Rich Tamblym for the engineering,working at their own studios in the UK. During this time Enochian Theory hadarranged for the project to be mixed by Swedish producer "DavidCastillo" who’s other notable works include – “Katatonia”, “Opeth”,“Bloodbath” and “InMe”. David Castillo introduced the band to Swedish artist "RobinPortnoff" who immediately found a connection with the project and beganworking on the albums visual direction closely with the band.
Once the album“Evolution: Creatio Ex Nihilio” was completed, it was released in Europe onlyduring August 2009. Again on the bands own Record Label, it received a verywarm reception within the media, gaining many Magazine & Webzine reviewswith coverage over Europe, including high praise from Bruce Dickinson (IronMaiden) and Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree). This same year the band played atthe prestigious Progressive event “ProgPower Europe” held in The Netherlandswith headline act “Evergrey” and was nominated for 2 awards at The Prog AwardsItaly.
To finish off the yearEnochian Theory played a show with “Katatonia” in November 2009.
At the start of 2010Enochian Theory entered talks with Mascot Records about re-releasing“Evolution: Creatio Ex Nihilio”, taking the band to the next level and buildingthe future career of Enochian Theory. The band signed the final contract in May2010 joining the Mascot Family with artists such as John5, Volbeat, Gojira,Billy Sheehan, Marty Friedman, Black Country Communion, Arjen Lucassen, Spock'sBeard, Paul Gilbert, Joe Bonamassa and many more.
In July 2010 EnochianTheory headlined the 2nd stage at Metal Camp Festival in Slovenia, which wasshortly followed by a full European Tour during September 2010 with label matesSpock’s Beard. “Evolution: Creatio Ex Nihilio” was officially re-released on27th September 2010.
The album received manymore great reviews across Europe, and featured tracks on top German Magazinessuch as Eclipsed and Rock Hard Germany. The band also did new featureinterviews with Metal Hammer Magazine Germany, Sweden Rock Magazine, ClassicRock Prog Magazine and many more. In December 2010 Enochian Theory was votedNumber 25 in the Eclipsed Magazine Germany Top 100 Bands Of 2010 yearly poll.
In March 2011 the bandembarked on a UK Tour, part of which was sponsored by the Magazine “ClassicRock Presents Prog”. Enochian Theory were chosen for the tour by the Magazine’seditor along with another two up and coming UK Prog bands “Jurojin” and“Touchstone”.
Enochian Theory hadstarted composing their 3rd release when they returned from touring in late2010, and in August 2011 the band entered “Aubitt Studios” (UK) for the fullproduction of the new album with producer Rob Aubrey. Enochian Theory workedwith Rob on the Spock’s Beard European Tour and his previous history withartists such as “IQ”, “Tony Levin” and “Transatlantic” only helped with thedecision for the band to work with him on their important 2nd Album.
The albums art directionwas once again handled by the amazing artist “Robin Portnoff”, taking the“World” they had created together to the next level, exploring it furtherwithin the new albums artwork and also with the bands special on going animatedvisual project “The Fire Around The Lotus”.
The Original Storyboardand Concept was first conceived in 2008 by Robin in connection with the bandsalbum artwork for “Evolution: Creatio Ex Nihilio”. But because such a highbudget production level was needed to fully convey the idea in visual form,plans for the film were shelved until the band found a suitable and willingteam for the task in 2010. The “Short Film” style music video has been inproduction for nearly 3 years behind the scenes, with a lot of dedication bythe incredible team consisting of Matthew Howard, Adam Wozinak and JackFairclough.
The new album “Life...And All It Entails” was released on March 12th 2012 and once again gained highappreciation within the European Press. Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree) praisedthe new album, commenting on the production and craftsmanship of the songwriting.
Enochian Theory shot amusic video for the track “Inversions” with the UK production company “One NameFilms”. This video would feature “The Lost Orchestra” visually for the firsttime and was released for internet viewing in May 2012.
The band performed tracksfrom the new album in July 2012 at “The Night Of The Prog Festival”. Held inGermany, Enochian Theory were asked to perform by the festival organisersalongside Katatonia, The Flower Kings, Spock’s Beard, Steve Hackett and otherrespected acts.
In August 2012, EnochianTheory signed a Publishing deal with “Northern Music”, the management companybehind acts such as Devin Townsend, Opeth, and Katatonia.
For the remaining of thatyear the band continued to grow, joining the Djent/Progressive band “Tesseract”for 2 UK shows during September, and performing with progressive/psychedelicrock legends “Gong” at the Shepherds Bush Empire London (UK) in November 2012.During this time “Life…And All It Entails” appeared in the Amazon GermanyBestselling Charts and was voted one of the best Rock/Metal albums of the yearby iTunes.
At the start of 2013 itwas announced that Enochian Theory would tour as main support for ProgressiveMetal band “Threshold” on their European tour during March 2013. The band werealso announced as touring support for 70s Prog Rock band “The Enid” for UKdates in April, and joined “Tesseract” again this time on a full UK tour with“The Algorithm” during May 2013.
As the success of thebands current release “Life…And All It Entails” continues to grow, EnochianTheory has now commenced work on writing their next full length album.