Often being accused of having the vocal chops of young WhitneyHouston, but having the performance dynamics of Mary J Blige.
R&B, Hip Hop Chicago native Elishema, whose name can be searchedout in biblical text and discovered to have the accolades and honor of invokingthe Almighty composer of our universe, and the giver of life to bear witness tothe heavenly voice of this wonderful vocalist, who’s essence is singing and bringing peace and harmony into the world. And after hearing her sweet angelicvoice you will know why she is certainly befitting of such a name whereby eventhe Heavenly Father listens.
Being gifted withthis soulful and captivating vocal ability she will undoubtedly command yourundivided attention. Elishema made up her mind many years ago to use herabilities as a singer, songwriter, performer, and recording artist to impartthe wisdom she was blessed with and the love she felt for all people into her songsas “music of empowerment,” thereby empowering listeners into positive action whetherit be festive or relief from a gloomy state you’re in, her music rocks and comfortsyou.
Infusing elements of Pop, Rock, Soul, R&B,and Hip Hop, Elishema strives to composefeel good songs that not only pleases the ears, but penetrates the superficialbarriers to much deeper meanings that resonates the soul inseminating strength,inner happiness, peace of mind, and sincerity.
Elishema’s musical journey began when she was a mere tot andwould often crash her parents lavish parties, who also were passionate music lovers,by stealing the show and entertaining everyonesinging accappella, lyrics and melodies she wrote, and electrified all in attendancewho witnessed the dawning of a rising superstar. Elishema says “I was only likefive years old at the time, but found myself drawn to music, it became like mybest friend. I’d spend all my time singing and writing songs.”
Being in a household of music enthusiast, Elishema foundherself being exposed to lots of great performers, but mostly being influencedby artist like Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Patti Labelle, and Brandy, whowere her spiritual mentors which inspired her towards excellence in her craft, becomingthe consummate performer she is today. Recognizing her calling at a very youngage with the backing and support of her family, Elishema embarked on a journeyto share her love for music with the world, doing everything within her power andgrasp to develop this skill and gain exposure.
Throughout the years Elishema has had the opportunity tograce the stage at many venues like the Rosemont convention center, ChicagoTheater, UIC forum, and a host of others, touching the hearts of thousands ofmusic lovers with her voice, and dynamic performances. In 2011 she washighlighted in the “BET Lens on Talent Contest” and a Chicago finalist in theBudweiser “MySpace Opening Act contest. “ She has also been recognized byMarshal Thompson of the Legendary Chi-Lites who has been quoted as saying“She’s going to be hotter than Beyonce.”
Elishema released her first independent album “NewBeginnings” in 2011 under her own indie label Inway Records that was a followup to her controversial single “Sophisticated Man” which was well received by fansworldwide. “New Beginnings” is a 16 track album that fuses R&B, Hip Hop andPop tracks focusing on themes for inspiration. In 2012 she released her second single “Hood Cheaters” which spot-lightsthe double-crossing behavior of an unfaithful companion moonlighting in the hood,and her approach to handling the situation.
Before the curtain closes on 2013 Elishema returns to the stage presentingher new single “All Mine” delivering a strong message of inspiration, empowering the hopeless romantics in keeping faith alive when a loving fantasy maybe impossible to grasp. While currently working on her sophomore album and numerouscollaborative projects in the works, moving into 2014 Elishema will be droppingmore music for her fans listening pleasure, to enjoy and get energized whileshe will be embarking to meet them face to face during the time she takes thestage on her first regional tour.