The M-Jackal staff is and organization dedicated to the nightlife club partys.
Prospered from a group of very close friends with love and passion tours all branches of the club night life, there never-ending thirst for art, music and fashion, is there driving force. It gives them the ambition to formulate and organize club nights with the utmost glamour. The M-Jackal success is based on the collaborations of many great night life enthusiastic, beginning with me the director Gianluca Morry the founder of this organization, at my side there is team of animators, web masters, fashion designers and club owners, together seeking talent and always trying to entertain aboard our beautiful island.

Im very proud to have collaborated in many local events such as: We Love Sicily,

House Circus,

Nexus Events(Co),


Frutto Proibito,

Pelle D'oca,

Pascia Swiss fashion club(CH),

Madam staff (mi),

With Love,


Rizla Events,

El Divino(ch),

La Danaide,


Blu Garden,


Villa Sapio Rumbolo,

Coca Cola One Night(Ct),

Heineken Festival(CT)

more coming soon...

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