"You have to want it, strive for it, and achieve it.
Never give up, never give in and always be true to YOU!” ~EdieAnne
"Give more than you Take"
"Positive Thinking Brings Positive Results"
"Making it Happen"
"Creating Opportunities Every Day"
Beauty n' Scents & More ~EdieAnne
I am an Independent Scentsy Family Director
Direct Selling Home Based Business!
I am a Career Coach, Mentor & Recruiter!
Based on sharing and creating opportunities, Beauty n' Scents & More is providing people around the world with a basis for change in their lives. By providing finely made products and joining forces with other like minded people, The Scentsy Family has been a catalyst for change, creation, friends and abundance. The BNS Network has members world wide and we strive to provide the best coaching and support any Direct Sales company could ask for. Joining is easy, sharing/selling is easy and the happiness that follows is priceless. It's about taking the opportunity when it is handed to you. Considered yourself handed an opportunity! Hope to chat with you soon.
My FaceBook Personal Profile Page
My Blog! http://edieanne.com/
**The Scentsy Family consists of Scentsy Fragrance, Velata & Grace Adele
Shop Scentsy Online Anytime! http://beautynscents.net/
Join Scentsy http://edieanne.scentsy.us/join
Shop Velata Online Anytime! http://edieanne.velata.us/
Join Velata http://edieanne.velata.us/join
Shop Grace Adele Online Anytime! http://edieanne.graceadele.us/
Join Grace Adele http://edieanne.graceadele.us/join
**Career Coaching, Mentoring & Recruiting
The BNS Channel
BNS- Creating Opportunities Facebook Page
The BNS Network - Direct Sales Coaching
Edie Anne Facebook Page
**Social Media
Twitter: http://twitter.com/edieanne
Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/115756871871111318224/
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/edieanne/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/edieanne/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/edieanne
FourSquare: https://foursquare.com/edieanne
YouTube: http://youtube.com/beautynscents
iLiving App: http://ilivingapp.com/bns
Blog: http://edieanne2.blogspot.com/