Esther M., aka Old Skool QueenE was a government office worker turned Singer-Songwriter born in Washington, DC.
She is a Poet and Songwriter that has written songs in the past for others. QueenE acquired her talent from her late Gospel Bass Singer Father who once sung with DC's Doo Wop group called Glow Tones and her Gospel Singer Mother who sung and traveled around with a professional Gospel Choir called Jubilee Majestic Choir. And it is the very reason why she took her then 88 year old mother into the studio with her to cut the first track called “Victory Is Mine” to open and be the first song on the album in order of steps and to give God the glory and praise that adds the Gospel genre.
QueenE discovered and appreciate ITunes for allowing her to self-publish and distribute through her Independent Small Business name This Is 4 U; and now she debuts her 2nd album.
QueenE is seeking to promote, highlight and bring positive messages of love and camaraderie with Rhythm & Blues music with added Go-Go beats from this East Coast side of town. She wants to shine the spot light on the Washington D.C. area to show that there is talent here that has been brewing since the early days 1970s when she was a teenager screaming for Stacey Lattisaw, Chuck Brown and Marvin Gaye.
QueenE got the 411 for other genres such as this hip-hop Rap single she released year 2014 called “It’s All About Money” where she created a YouTube video to point to Donald’s Sterling’s excuse for Dementia. And her first solo album includes a couple of Holiday song tracks for Valentine Day and for the already released single, Thanksgiving.
Her 2nd Album is due to be released this November 2018 called: "Here Comes Old School". She has already released three tracks from it and is very excited about her first Christmas song called It's A Christmas Cheer. She shares that this Christmas song will be immediately known and representative of her hometown's Go-Go genre sound.