What is this life about and why are we here? Is there an afterlife? I get asked these questions a lot, especially by teenage witches who are curious to know the purpose of life and death.
I usually answer by saying that a belief in an afterlife is a personal thing to each and every one of us, so you need to explore as many options as possible and then listen to your soul to find the truth for yourself.
Most witches throughout the world have a deep belief in reincarnation and the afterlife. Common sense tells us that living a life span of approximately eighty years and then just disappearing forever would be pointless. What could we possibly learn from that? Nothing–and so the modern-day witch tends to think along the same lines as many other religions and faiths, taking comfort in believing that our spirit lives on after we die.
Imagine that your body is an automobile and it transports your spirit around for the duration of your life. Just like an automobile, your body occasionally breaks down and needs repairing. A little tune-up every now and again will keep it in peak performing condition, and of course, you’ll need to put the right gas in the engine in the form of healthy food. But no matter how good a caretaker you are, the body that is your vehicle can’t possibly last forever. Once it takes its last drive, your soul steep right out of it and after a little rest with your loved ones in spirit, gets back into another vehicle. This is the crux of reincarnation your soul gets a new care to drive around the Earth in again, so to speak.
When a soul is born, it begins a journey of spiritual development. With every incarnation on Earth, we learn valuable lessons that help us on the journey and go on to make us the true individuals we are. It’s a bit like being in school. Sometimes the lessons we face are painless and we can sail through them with ease. At other time, they can be hard-hitting and difficult making us face arduous challenges head-on.
Take, for example, a person who seems to experience trials and tribulations on a constant basis. From a spiritual perspective, what is this all about? Once you have undergone a lesson and have learned it properly, you won’t have to go through it again. That chapter of your life will be over and you will move on to other lessons. You might think that it’s unfair to have to go through problematic situations, especially if others around you seems to have it easier, but each lesson we face gives us an internal strength that can never be taken away from us. Call it character-building. These lessons enhance our inner wisdom, which is what we are all ultimately striving for. This is how it goes, life after life, until you’ve learned all you need to know.
While life is a series of tests, no one gives you a report card upon your death. Your reactions to situations are watched very closely to the spirit world, but you won’t be chastised if you slip up a few times. Witches know that before we finish reincarnating, we need to experience every single human emotions, so it’s safe to say that by the time we reach a state of perfection, each of us could have lived a thousand times!
From here on in, try to do at least one nice thing for another person every day. Smile at the postman, check in on that elderly neighbor or take a few minutes out of your day to ask how someone is doing. Once you get into the habit of being pleasant to others, it will beyond second nature, and your vibration will be buzzing with positive energy.