Contact:Address: 55 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036
Phone: 646-693-0346


About :

DD Buyers pays themost cash foryour gold guaranteed. You can walk in to our office and walk outwith cash, oryou can take advantage of our mail gold online kit where if youdon’t live inNYC we cover shipping, insurance and send you a wire transfer ordirect check.

We also are the HIGHEST PAYINGONLINE GOLDBUYER on the internet beating out cash for goldcompanies left andright. We buy all kinds of gold ranging from gold bracelets,chains, anklets,necklaces, brooches, bullion’s, coins and more. If it has anygold in it wewill buy it from you and give you the highest cash payout for yourgoldguaranteed.

We have over 20 years in buyingdiamonds in the DiamondDistrict. DD Buyers will pay you the most for yourdiamonds guaranteed, we arecertified gemologists and have been buying andselling diamonds for over 20years. When selling a diamond the customer musttake into account the 4 C’sthese are the categories that makes up the value,they are cut, color, clarityand carat weight.

If you are in need of a pawn loanand not looking to sellyour gold or other valuable jewelry like a Rolex watch,coin, diamond engagementring, then you can inquire about our pawn loanservices in the NYC area. We havethe lowest rates for pawn shops in the area.Our office is safe, secure,protected and insured.

Related Searches:

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Lower Manhattan | Lower East Side | Upper East Side | Hell'sKitchen | West New York

10004 | 10002 | 10021 | 10036 | 07093

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Mon - Fri 10am-5pm

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Categories: Jewelry Buyer

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