My name is Lyn.
I was born to a demon lord and his mortal wife. They were very much in love and it wasn't long before they found out that they were expecting a child, me. My mother, during her last trimester, went to tell my father she was in labor only to hear my father state that he was planing on using what special abilities that I were to be born with in order to rule both demon and mortal realm. Not only that but he had promised my hand to one of his youngest and most strongest warriors. My mother didn't want or like either idea and so she left the castle and demon realm only to make it to my aunt's home in the mortal realm, where I was born.

Upon my birth, my aunt and cousin was ordered by my mother to take me into hiding and not to stay in one place too long for the fear that my father or the young demon warrior would find me and reclaim me. So after she let out her last dying breath my aunt and cousin Freddy did just that. We moved almost ever couple of years. I lived a very normal life, that was until I was eleven, when my powers started emerging. My aunt couldn't let anyone know so she when something were to happen we would move. My only friend growing up was Freddy. He was my cousin, big brother and best friend rolled into one.

When I turned seventeen, like most that age, i wanted to do things my way and so I started rebelling more both in society and at home. But my cousin Freddy was the only one that could keep me anchored to the ground. He this way about him. He was and still is just about the only one that can. That was until I left and met a man named Itachi. Itachi was a very kind man. He taught me to enjoy life, live life to the fullest because you never know when one's life might end. I learned so much from him. But then he was taken from me, my world seemed to come to an end. I thought that I couldn't go on much longer. That was until I met a guy named Wraith.

Wraith loved me just the way I was. He was very fun and yet had a unique look on life. I love the way that he made me feel. I felt so loved and safe when I was with him. There was no but Itachi that made me feel like this but him more so. He didn't care what trouble people tried to cause for me, he stood right beside me all the way. If only my mother would have known but the one that she wanted to keep me from was none other then Wraith. But he never took me back to my father, nor tried to make me do anything I didn't want to do. Instead he encouraged me to take charge of my life and abilities and learn to except them. It was fun learning under him. But then people saw how happy I was and decided to cause so much trouble for us. They were trying to break us apart. He sent me away while he ended up taking care of lose ends so that we could be together happily. But this didn't work out like we thought it would. Instead, he had moved on and now I have to prove myself to him so I shall. I shall keep myself to him and to him only not allowing any other to partake of me. I will prove that those lies people told him while I was away weren't true. That I have been and will always be faithful to him and to him only. I will joke around with people and some close friend pervirtedly but that is as far as I will let it go. If they don't like that then that is their problem not mine. I am still in love with both of these men and forever will be.

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