Private Mix
Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria
Dan Belk
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/28/2014 10:15:30 AM
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009* (Yes, that little black dot in the sky is indeed Air Force One)
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*
    • Classic - President Obama Visits East Peoria Mix Photo
      *President Obama visits Caterpillar in East Peoria on Feb. 12th, 2009*

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