Business, marketing and technology are where Dan’s talent, skills, ability and training are focused.
With education in Business Law, Social Media Marketing and starting up and running six businesses with two more underway, you’ll find that entrepreneurship is at the core of what Dan does.

As a 20 year Coast Guard Aviator, Author, Landlord, Appraiser Dan is also a systems, people and numbers guy who loves to help others shortcut their learning curves to success. As a prolific net-worker and connector of certified talent, you’ll find Mentors, Authors, Promoters, Publishers, Web designers, Webmasters, Advertising and Marketing Specialists, PR Pro's, Social Media Experts, Trainers, Coaches and Consultants quickly referred and shared amongst his friends and colleagues.

Interests are family, country, horses, business, marketing, technology and Web TV. Specialties include JV Broker, Master Affiliate,Trainer, Author, Expert, Connector, Promoter and Student/Mentor.

Current mission is to assemble 5000 Heart-Centered Individuals under one roof for 3 full days of epic business adventures and synergistic collaboration on Nov 3, 4 and 5th at the Tampa Convention Center 2014. He sincerely looks forward to meeting new people and helping them in every way possible to succeed at what they do best.

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