This profile is a peek into the strange child that I was...
or currently the strange adult that I am. I am in better shoes.

My life has then moved onto a stage where I can somewhat support myself. I can defend myself. I am no longer Cinderella enslaved. My hobbies still includes photography, art, writing, and such. In addition, I am now a cosplayer and can make commissions on my skills.

It is a peek into what I thought was photography. Nonetheless, the "photography" on here was praised and its supporters got me to the photography standard that I have today.

I worked at a dream job where I was constantly surrounded by past, present, future, fact, and fiction. Now I work in a place where I grew up.

I am nothing I wanted to be when MySpace was the jam. I am not a doctor. I am not rich. I am not a celebrity, My books were never published. But my life is happy enough. I'm still friends with some people on here. And others... who are you? I didn't even know you.

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