CNNBS - Hard Rock, Old School.
CNNBS (Cannabis) is a hard rock band from Argentina, created to fill the void left by the hard rockin' bands of the 90's. With Martin Johnson (lead vocals), Martín "Broda" Herrera (guitar), Javier Lanne (bass & backing vocals) and last but not least, Manuel Iriarte (drums), CNNBS is releasing their debut album "Peligro" (Danger in spanish).

Influenced by legendary bands like Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses, CNNBS' debut album "Peligro" is a hard rockin' roadster, sounding edgy, with guitar-driven powerfull riffs, shrieking vocals and memorable melodies; a combination that seems somehow lost nowadays.

CNNBS is currently on tour, playing bars and theatres to promote this eleven-piece album. When asked what she thought of the band - on one of their latest shows - local rock journalist Sophie Albertelli said:

"They live fast, they'll die young, so see'em today while you can!"


CNNBS – Hard Rock, de la vieja escuela.

CNNBS (Cannabis) es una banda argentina de hard rock, que nace para llenar el vacío dejado por las bandas hard rockeras de los 90’s. Con Martin Johnson (voz líder), Martín "Broda" Herrera (guitarra), Javier Lanne (bajo & coros), y Manuel Iriarte (batería), CNNBS lanza su disco debut: “Peligro”.

Influenciada por bandas legendarias como Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith y Guns N’ Roses, el disco debut de CNNBS es un disco rutero. Suena poderoso y afilado, con distorsionados riffs de guitarra, atravesados por una estridente voz, y melodías memorables; una combinación que hoy parece perdida.

CNNBS se encuentra actualmente de gira local, tocando en bares y teatros, para promocionar su disco debut, que consta de once piezas originales de la banda.

"Viven aceleradamente, probablemente mueran jóvenes, así que véanlos ahora, mientras puedan..." dijo Sofía Albertelli, periodista de rock

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