…there is no art confined within borders and rules
Hello… we are Chroma!!!
Our musical journey began on February 2005. These were the days when, being 3 of us (Simon, Kostas and Manolis) and by the sole use of a pc, a mixer and a microphone, we were writing songs on Simon’s home. Initially we were called “Deep Inside” – we kept that name till March 2008 (24/03/08 was the last gig of the band with thatname in Sante bar)…
After many changes in our line up and despite the difficulties that a Greek-speaking pop-rock band has to face in Greece, we managed to record in our early days a decent demo (comprising of 12 songs), to present our work through various radio stations of Thessaloniki and other cities, to give interviews on magazines and e-zines and lastly, to be qualified in the 2006 Music Festival of Thessaloniki (16 songs out of 1300 in total…unfortunately we were suspended due to legal reasons).
Having in our record many live performances in bars/clubs/stages of Thessaloniki and other cities of Northern Greece, we managed to sign a contract with the independent record company “Melissa Music” (which is the offspring of the renowned producer George Pentzikis). Even though we are“raised” with English-speaking rock music, we chose consciously that our own material should be in our mother tongue…
Concerning our sound, we tend to believe that we belong in the broader spectrum of pop-rock but eventually it is you to judge this…Besides, what matters to us is playing music freely with no limits and stereotypes since music is art and no art is confined within borders and rules.
Our debut album has been released by Mellisamusic on December 2009. From then we have published two songs and videoclips ("Mi honis ti miti sou, eki pou den prepi" and "Oplo foniko"), precursors to our new forthcoming album, which is about to be released on November 2013...