Hey guys its Mark (Chino G) Toth here back on Myspace I'm a person who can listen to about any music Dubstep, Rap, Rock, Country, Classic, Oldies, and even a little Pop but I mostly produce video game videos on Youtube you can check it out at http://youtube.

I just started so I'm not all that great. I like to try and mix music as well but the programs I have are not what I need I'm saving money to get me new software to edit both my videos and music and soon i will have my own beats to put with my videos. I am a family man ha thought I was going to say Family Guy didn't you nope good show though but I came from a small neighborhood called Armourdale in Kansas City, KS. I ran with a pretty tight nit group so we called each other brothers and sisters growing up in my neighborhood was tough with the gang violence and shootings but I chose to not let that influence me instead I like to think my environment is influenced my me. I went to many different schools I started in a private catholic school named All Saints I went there till the 5th grade then transferred to a public school named John Fisk there I learned more than what the teachers taught me. Rosedale was my middle school and this is where I started to mess up but once I got to high school I began to try and see what the big picture was but to let you know I was to young and immature to even understand what the big picture was. Gangs were big in all my schools after that and I hung out with every single one of them but I only claimed one Barrio Negros it was a phase but that is a part of my life I may not be proud of it but I will never deny it but now days I concentrate on my kids, work, and school I didn't graduate and it is one of the biggest mistakes I ever made, if I had a choice to go back to high school instead of thinking girls was the big picture or not doing the homework and perfecting my hustle I would have to say I would be the biggest teachers pet or nerd or however it is called anyone would have seen. I am not famous nor do I desire to be I just like producing things like videos and music but videos and editing the videos is one of my all time favorite hobbies and yes I consider Youtube a hobby not a job I do get paid but I do it all for fun to have something extra, I mean with the jobs that will hire you without your diploma or GED you can barely make it in life especially if you want kids you better get that education if you want to be somebody one day. I have grown to realize that the people who are famous didn't drop out and most of them are highly intelligent so that is what I'm going to do finish school and show my children that if you want to get any where in life concentrate on your education and then you will see that all that stuff that happens in high school, if you got beat up or was called a slut because of some immature guy can't keep his sex life to him self it all don't matter when your older so long as you get a Diploma cause the people who dwell on the things in high school will never go anywhere they will be stuck living in the past and that is not who you want to be. I intend on looking to the future and as they say grabbing the bull by the horns and make it my bitch L.O.L. if in time fame comes my way I will not turn it down but if it doesn't I'll be okay cause my kids will see that I graduated and that the greatest fame I could ask for is in my own home.

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