Passionnée depuis toujours d'écriture, de musique, de photographie et de peinture, mais ayant dû faire face à un chemin semé d'embûches, je reprends des études de Lettres à l'Université en 1994 en tant qu'adulte puis commence à me faire connaître pour mes talents d'écriture dans les années 2000 notamment gràce à un passage par le slam qui me fait accéder à un public d'initiés de plus en plus large en raison du succès de cette discipline.
Je contribue notamment aux lancement du site où je suis présente sous l'appellation slammeuse avec 3 poèmes et des photos sous la nom ChantalB de Béchérel de Bretagne. Le site reste plusieurs années numéro 2 mondial en référencement Google et finalement atteint 1000 visites par jour. Au cours des dernières années, l'évolution de ma pratique personnelle m'a amené à me tourner de plus en plus vers la photographie. Photos que je diffuse sur mon blog et que je transforme en cartes postales ou autres objets à vendre ligne sur le

I have been in writing all my life and, for much of it, never thinking about making money or even thinking that it was possible. I went back to studies as an adult to study literature and was noticed there for my abilities for writing with several mentions in French literature studies and a mention in creative writing during my Master. I made my talent known in France and abroad in the years 2000 thanks to the Slam movement, which I was involved in and was in great expansion at that time. I am a photographer and a painter too so it makes me very sentitive to images. In fact, my poems are often written as shorts stories. I am very interested in screenwriting, being a great fan on a few TV shows myself and still looking for opportunities for me to contribute by my writings or ideas. I would be especially interested in working in an author pool. I live in France.

I was published as Slam poet in France I have been published in the site as Slam poet for a few years under the name Chantal B de Bécherel de Bretagne. I was represented there by 3 poems and portrait pictures of myself. I began my collaboration in 2003, organizing a few scenes, performing on stage and participating at writing sessions, sometimes as the pupil, and sometimes as the teacher. The site stayed number 2 on world referencement on Google for years and at its best finally received 1000 visits per day.

With the year, my practived evolved more and more toward photography wich I began to sell recently on zazzle :

Pour en savoir plus et trouver plus de contact, je vous invite à me retrouver sur mon site qui fait des débuts surprenants avec 26000 visites depuis sa création en Janvier 2013.

To know more and find more contacts, you are invited to visit my site which makes surprising beginnings with 26000 visits since his creation in January 2013.

Oh, et pour ceux qui était sur l'ancien Myspace et qui se souvienne de Non Troppo et bien...c'était moi... ;-)

Oh an for those who were on the old Myspace and remember of Non Troppo, well... it was me... ;-)

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